Call: 0408 824 686 | eMail: coro.oshc517@schools.sa.edu.au 

OSHC is open each week day during the school term for both Before School Care (BSC), After School Care (ASC) and on Pupil free/school closure days. Here at Coromandel Valley OSHC we are committed to providing children with quality learning opportunities, delivered in a safe, secure and stimulating environment, while aspiring to deliver the highest standard of care. The Children plan the weekly themes and then help run a variety of activities including, science, cooking, craft, IT and outdoor sports/creative play. Staff, families and children offer feedback, and the program is continually being developed from this. Many of our educators are fully qualified or undertaking studies in childcare and education and bring valuable ideas and experiences to our service.

Our Breakfast consists of cereals, toast and raisn toast with a special breakfast each week like pancakes, waffle bowls, toasties etc. Our afternoon tea consists of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and a main food option like pasta, sausage rolls, muffins, sushi, fried rice, pizza etc. We are always looking for new foods and activities. We cater for all dietary requirements.

Opening times and Costs: 
BSC – 7:00am to 8:30am $14 per child ($16 casual booking) 
ASC – 3:10pm to 6:15pm $24 per child ($26 casual booking) 
CCS Approved Centre

OSHC Documents

Information Handbook

Information Sheet

Direct Debit Authority Information

Enrolment Form

Medical Form

Catastrophic (Bushfire) Weather Conditions

Vacation Care

Each school holidays we have an exciting and varied program. We use these opportunities to give the children experiences that they may not be able to have during term time in OSHC. This gives them an opening where they can contribute to their world and develop their sense of wellbeing.

Previous excursions have included:

  • Adelaide/Monarto Zoo
  • Movies
  • Waterworld
  • Bounce
  • Beachouse
  • Museum
  • Noarlunga Aquatic Centre
  • Playgrounds – a wide variety of locations
  • Bowling 
      ....just to name a few

On home based days we provide a range of activities, special guests and loads of fun. We love having themed days, some of which have included.

  • Pyjama 
  • Circus day
  • The Amazing Race
  • Visit from animals
  • Magic
  • Wheels Day
  • Hummer limo
  • Karaoke, juke box and arcade machines
  • Inflatables
  • Face paint and henna
      ....and lots more

Opening times and Cost: 
7:00am – 6:15pm 
$65.00 Home days/Pupil Free/Closure Days 
$75.00 Excursion Days

Current Vacation Care Program

Consent Form

Booking Sheet 

For enrolement and consent forms, please contact OSHC

on 0408 824 686 or email at: coro.oshc517@schools.sa.edu.au 

We are an approved centre for Child Care Subsidies which will lessen the fees if you’re entitled to the benefit. If you are not sure please contact the Department of Human Services on 13 61 50 for further information.

Further Information
If you have further queries or would like to receive a registration / medical form to enrol your child into our service, please call Dennis on 0408 824 686 or drop me an email at: coro.oshc517@schools.sa.edu.au