Governing Council
The governance of Coromandel Primary School is a joint responsibility between the Principal and the Governing Council.
The Governing Council is made up of representatives of all the major stakeholders in the school. It comprises of the Principal, one staff rep and up to 16 parent representatives. Parent representatives are elected each year at the AGM and hold office for 2 years.
The concept of a Governing Council recognizes that the best educational outcomes are achieved when there is a strong and active partnership between home and school.
Governance, which is the responsibility of Council, involves the big picture decisions for the Schools, while management is for the Principals. Governance includes setting the broad direction and vision for the school, strategic planning, determining policies, determining the application of the total financial resources and monitoring, reporting and reviewing. The Governing Council also has a role in ascertaining the community's needs and perception of the School and advising the Principals.
Parents are encouraged to stand for Governing Council. Council work permits you to gain an understanding of the workings of the School and to contribute to its long term success.
Council meetings are held twice a term. In addition, most Councillors sit on one of Council's sub-committees. Those sub-committees are:
- Finance
- Sports
- P&F
- Canteen
- Out Of School Hours Care
The sub-committees are made up of staff, Councillors and other parents who express interest and who are appointed to the sub-committee for a year. Working on a sub-committee is a good way of getting involved in school decision making without necessarily being on the Governing Council.
The Governing Council can only deal with matters that fall within its areas of responsibility: in particular, matters that relate to teachers, curriculum delivery or day to day management should be referred to the Principals as these matters are outside of Council's responsibilities. If you wish to have a matter considered by the Governing Council, you can write to the Chairperson, care of the School.
Governing Council Code of Practice
Governing Council Constitution
Governing council nomination for election form
SAASSO (South Australian Association of State School Orginisations) Website
Parents and Friends (P & F)
The Parents & Friends is an organisation of parents interested in providing much needed support for our school in a variety of ways. They aim to develop and maintain an interest in the welfare of children at the school; to work in co-operation with the teachers; and to assist in providing equipment through fund-raising activities. Meetings are held each month and parents are welcome to attend. It is a much loved and valued tradition for the P & F to award each Year 6 with a book commemorating their graduation. These books are presented at Celebration Night.
P&F are also on Facebook