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It’s been wonderful catching up with our existing students and families and hearing tales of relaxing fun-packed holidays. We extend a warm welcome to our 455 learners and their families to our wonderful school community. We also extend a very warm welcome to our 53 new Reception students, 4 new year 1 to 6 students and their families. Congratulations to all our students for the way they have settled back into school routines and learning so far this week.
Acquaintance Night – Tuesday 11th February
We invite all students and families to join us for our annual Acquaintance Night –Tuesday 11th February.
The evening will commence at 5.30 pm with information-style booths available to visit in the library, with classrooms also open between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm.
Again, this year we will be conducting a more informal student-led style evening. We believe it is important for each student to participate in the evening, serving as an opportunity for them to lead and play a major role in acquainting their parents with their learning environment for 2025 and of course meeting their teachers, specialist teachers and other staff.
In preparing for, and participating in the evening, students will practice skills in communication, organisation, problem-solving, critical and creative thinking – as well as developing self-confidence.
This strongly aligns with our vision "Developing Global Learners in a Caring Community", facilitated through strong community support, active participation and a sense of belonging for all learners.
At the beginning of, and throughout the school year, teachers use a variety of media to share information and student learning – including newsletters, emails, Seesaw and more.
The evening also serves as a purpose for families to mingle and of course to chat with other community members and teachers.
Further information will be provided to families next week.
Annual General Meeting
Our school Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Tuesday, 11th February 2025 at 6.45pm in the Library. If you would like to join the Governing Council for a two year term you can nominate yourself via the nomination form by emailing to the school prior to the AGM. Please visit the school website for more details:
Bushfire Response Plan/Catastrophic Days
The bushfire response plan ensures what action we need to take on days of increased fire danger or in the event of a potential or actual bushfire threat. The bushfire response plan also assists the Department’s Security and Emergency Management (SEM) unit in providing emergency services key information regarding the location of students and staff during a bushfire emergency.
It is important that families are familiar with our school’s response in preparation of a bushfire emergency. You can help us prepare for the fire danger season by:
- familiarising yourself with the following information relevant to our school, which is rated as a R2 site.
- talking to your child/ren about what will happen if a bushfire occurs when they are at school.
- making sure your emergency contact details are updated and made available to us before the start of the fire danger season.
- having your own bushfire survival plan in place for days of catastrophic fire danger or in the event of a bushfire threat.
Our school’s procedures for Fire Danger Days rated as Catastrophic and Extreme
‘Catastrophic’ Fire Danger Days – declared in advance
In the event of the Country Fire Service (CFS) declaring in advance (the day before), a ‘Catastrophic’ fire danger rating for the Mt Lofty Ranges, the school will receive confirmation from relevant department personnel (Education Director / Department’s Emergency Management team) regarding the closure of the School and Out of School Hours Care Service.
If and when this situation arises, no staff, students, volunteers or contractors will be able to attend Coromandel Valley Primary School or OSHC service.
Parents and carers will be informed via SMS and email – as listed on our school’s database. The following forms of communication will also be used, and can be accessed:
- Letters handed out to all students on the days if the alert is received prior to school dismissal
- Information posted on the school website / Schoolzine email, Seesaw notification and the Coromandel Valley PS Facebook Page
- Department for Education – Emergency Information Hotline on 1800 000 279
- CFS Website:
- Radio: tune into ABC Radio 89.7
- Information provided by the evening television and radio news services
****Reminder this is for the Mt Lofty Ranges District****
Parents/carers should make provision for the care of their child/ren on days declared in advance, as per their family’s bushfire survival plan.
Reminder - 2025 Student Free & Closure Days:
Each year, the Department for Education provides an allocation of four student-free days for schools to use for staff professional development, curriculum planning, and administrative tasks. At Coro, these days are strategically scheduled throughout the year based on school and department priorities. The 2024 Governing Council approved the following dates:
Term 1 – Tues 11th March (day after Adelaide Cup)
Term 2 – Fri 6th June (prior to the King’s Birthday long weekend)
Term 3 – Mon July 21st (All of partnership – Day 1 of term 3)
Term 3 – Fri 5th Sep (SCHOOL CLOSURE)
Term 4 – Fri 7th Nov (day after Dance Night)
Schoolcard applications for this year are now open.
Schoolcard will cover the cost of the Material & Services fee ($400).
If your schoolcard application is successful this will be paid and the Government credit ($200 against Material & Services fee) will be removed from your account.
The excursion levy and dance fees are still payable by you.
Follow the link below for more information and online application forms.
Coming home in an envelope containing invoices and other consent forms will be a new Dept for Education form regarding local walks and regular outings, which will now need to be completed annually.
We are now required to gain consent from all families for each student for the various local walks undertaken by classes.
Please complete the form and return it to the office as soon as possible.
Many of our community members would be aware of the introduction in all Department for Education schools, of an Autism Inclusion Teacher (AIT), in 2023. Our wonderful teacher librarian, Michelle O'Connell, took on this role initially, and has done a fantastic job. As of Term 4, 2024, I have assumed the role at Coro.
The main role of the AIT, in every school, is to work with fellow educators on how best to support and educate autistic students. I am also available, in my roles as Deputy Principal or Wellbeing Leader, to chat to parents who may be thinking of exploring a diagnosis for their child, or simply how we can ensure every child has a successful experience of primary school; this can look very different for different children. Every child is unique and every child has strengths we can build on; this is true for all children, whether they are neurodiverse or neurotypical. At Coro, we like to get to know each child, and their families, so we can plan for success accordingly. In addition to working with autistic students for 25 years, I have quite a bit of lived experience as a mother to a now 18 year old AuDHDer (someone with autism and ADHD). My door is always open to anyone who would like to touch base regarding their children or their child's school experience. Of course, your child's class teacher is also an excellent person to talk to.
I'm looking forward to continuing to work in partnership with our families and the community to provide an inclusive, safe and welcoming environment for all our learners.
Kat Morgan
Dear Children’s University Parents/Caregivers
Welcome to 2025!
My name is Wendy Thompson, and I am a Year 2 Teacher and the Children’s University Coordinator for our school.
Children’s University is not just for academic children it is for all different types of learners. If your child finds school hard to show their learning style, then this program is for them to find success and enjoy learning.
Our students can be involved in an exciting program: ‘Children’s University’. Children’s University (CU) aims to encourage high quality out of school activities for children aged between 5 and 14 years, engaging the wider community as learning partners in this process. The most important principles of CU are that participation is voluntary and activities must take place outside the normal school day during lunch, after school, weekends and holidays. All CU learning is designed to inspire children to think about their futures with a greater knowledge of the careers and professions that they could aspire to.
Led by the University of Adelaide, CU aims to nurture aspirations and develop a love of learning. Children and young people enrolled in CU are issued with a Passport to Learning which records their individual learning journey. After the first 30 hours of learning, children are rewarded for their participation at a graduation ceremony held at the University of Adelaide or a prestigious venue in regional areas. Children can graduate multiple times depending on the hours they accrue. Information on the hours, and award levels, can be found in the Passport to Learning. GRADUATION will be during the day this year in Term 4.
Participating students have access to activities at school, online and in the wider community (Learning Destinations). These activities have been validated by CU trained staff as good learning experiences. Once your child becomes a member, a full list of Learning Destinations and online activities can be found by logging on to the CU Portal* here
Students are enrolled in CU when they receive their Passport to Learning and have paid the annual fee. The annual fee for 2025 is $38.50 (inc. GST) per student, which includes a passport in the first year only. All replacement passports will incur a fee of $7.70 (inc GST). Please note that membership fees for School Card Holders are only $16.50 (inc GST) per student with one passport in the first year only.
However, please do not sign up if you are not committed at trying your best to graduate.
There will be parent information session for all CU Members at 3:30pm on the 17th of March in the library. A CU coordinator will be present to answer questions, and the children will receive their passports at this time.
If you would like to participate, please sign your child up by using the QR code by NO LATER than the due date 7th March 2025, which is week 6, term 1.
Payments need to be paid by this date too on the schools Qkr! App.
No late entries will be accepted.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Wendy Thompson
Year 2, Classroom Teacher
Children’s University Coordinator
As you are probably aware, CVPS has a furry, four-legged staff member, who is quite popular! Murphy has been working here at Coro since September 2021 and she has become a much-loved member of our school community and Wellbeing team. As we begin a new school year, we wanted to give you an update on Murphy, answer some of the more common questions we are asked about her, and give a reminder of the important Murphy’s Law to make sure we are supporting Murphy’s wellbeing.
Why a Therapy Dog?
Studies show that being around a pet is scientifically proven to have both physical and mental health benefits across the board. Everything from improved sleep, to a reduction in anxiety and depression, improved motivation and mood, and bringing families and communities closer together.
What did Murphy do in the school holidays?
Murphy had a great time in the school holidays! She got to spend time with her three Handlers / School Mums – Ms O’Driscoll, Ms Morgan and Jenni. Murphy spent lots of time at the beach swimming in the ocean, she went on long walks and collected big sticks, and she may have been treated to a pup cup or two! She also enjoyed sleeping in and sun baking on the grass.
How often is Murphy at school?
For term one, Murphy will generally be at school every day except for Thursday. Sometimes she may stay home if the weather is very hot, or if we notice she is feeling extra tired and needs a little time at home to chill out and take a break.
How old is Murphy?
Murphy will turn 5 on 20 November
What type of dog is she?
Murphy is a Labrador cross Golden Retriever
What does Murphy like to eat?
Well, anything really – she’s not fussy! But she does enjoy chomping on apple, carrot, capsicum and zucchini. She also enjoys some doggy yoghurt with some Weetbix and dog food in the morning for breakfast.
What is Murphy’s favourite toy?
Murphy loves chasing balls and playing with them. She likes any toy that she can chew. She also likes finding dirty socks on bedroom floors!!
Where does Murphy live?
Murphy lives with our Pastoral Care Worker, Jenni, and her family.
Murphy's Law
Treat Murphy in the same way that you would like to be treated.
- Please say hello to the adult with Murphy before greeting Murphy
- NEVER feed Murphy anything!
- Be gentle when patting Murphy
- Don’t crowd around Murphy
- No screaming or shouting when you see Murphy
- No running at Murphy – move slowly around her
- Do not pat or approach Murphy when she isn’t wearing her jacket