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Dear families,
We thank you once again for your understanding in a time where COVID restrictions continue to impact on our ability to open the school to fully share events.
Last week our students enjoyed a wide range of activities for Science week organised by Sarah Todd and the science committee. The theme of food provided opportunities to cook, draw, experiment and indulge in explorations on a very popular topic. The chicks in the MAD room were a definite highlight for many.
This week we celebrate Bookweek. Tomorrow (Friday) we have made the decision to have the parade outside at 9am, on the green court.
Parents will be able to watch the parade from the amphitheatre and designated areas outside of the green court. Masks must be worn and you must QR code check in on arrival. Parents will need to leave the school directly after the parade and will not be able to attend the concert.
Both the parade and the concert will still be livestreamed for your convenience. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Those viewing from home can access the parade and the concert via the link below.
Big thanks to Michelle O'Connell, Stacey Stutterd, staff and instrumental teachers for organising the parade and the concert.
Even though the Royal Show is not going ahead, we will have a school closure day on Friday September 10th. OSHC will be available for those families that require this service.
Great to see some outstanding action from our senior students within their Student Action Groups. The Sport group is running sport clinics for students, the wellbeing team is organising a repaint of the school tyres on the mound, and the community group has launched the CVPS radio station "CORO 360 around the school" which goes to air every Friday. We appreciate their ideas to help make our school a better place.
Parent survey
You’re invited to complete the 2021 annual parent survey, which is now open.
On Monday 2 August you would have received an email or SMS from the Parent Survey Team with a unique link to participate in the survey.
If you can't locate the email you can access the survey via ther link below.
The survey takes less than 10 minutes and will help us understand:
- what we’re doing well
- where we can improve
- what’s important to you.
It has been coordinated centrally so that added administration workload isn't placed on the school.
Your answers will not identify you or your child. Only collated feedback will be provided to our school.
Information collected will inform school improvement planning and activities at the school.
The survey closes 5pm Sunday 29 August.
We have an amazing team of School Services Officers at Coromandel Valley Primary School who are at the centre of all that we do.
Last week we celebrated and acknowledged our awesome SSO team with cards and random acts of kindness. We appreciate you individually and as a vital part of our school team.
On behalf of families and staff we thank each of you for all you do for the entire Coromandel Valley Primary school community.
School Support Officers work across every aspect of the school. In summary they:
Support students with their learning and wellbeing
- Support with our literacy and numeracy programs
Provide support in classrooms
Facilitate intervention programs for students
Perform many organisational and administrative tasks
Support access to technology
Manage accounts and school budgets
Ensure resources are well managed
Provide First Aid
Provide a welcoming and helpful reception service
Produce the newsletter and school communication
If you see bullying behaviour online, or through messages, or in person, don’t just let it slide.
Depending on your style and what you feel confident doing, helping your friend could be as easy as talking to them or sending a message to make sure they’re OK. If it feels safe and right, you might even step up and call out the bad stuff you see or read online. There are a number of ways you can take action and go from being a bystander to an upstander.
What to do
Talk to or message your friend
Talk to or message your friend to make sure they’re ok and remind them how awesome they are. Even a simple message can go a long way and make your friend feel like they have support.
Call it out
If you feel confident and safe, stand up to the person doing the bullying, and make it clear that what they’re doing is wrong. It can be tricky going about this without getting too involved, but sometimes just saying ‘Not Cool’ commenting ‘Thumbs down emoji’ when someone is being mean can get your point across.
Get extra help
If you don’t feel up to standing up to the bully, or friend seems like they’re really down or hard done by — it might be time to get some extra help. You could talk to a trusted adult or teacher.
Help your friend to report online bullying
Do your bit to make your community, including online a more positive place and report those who are intentionally trying to hurt someone.
To report online bullying, find links and tips in the eSafety Guide here.
Problem Solving in Maths is a really important part of being a Mathematician. Every class has at least 1 problem solving maths lesson a week. Problems are look at and solved using a variety of strategies that are explicitly taught and then used by students. The image shows you some of these strategies.
Another version, with a little more detail is here: Problem Solving Flyers
Millie - Communicator | Pariya - Inquirer | George - Knowledgeable |
Jacob - Open Minded | Souna - Caring | Hamish - Inquirer |
Duke - Thinker | Harvey - Principled | Knox - Risk Taker |
Jasmine - Knowledgeable | Reuben - Communicator | Amarantha - Thinker |
Lily - Principled | Millie - Risk Taker | Bailey - Principled |
Eliza - Thinker | Hudson - Inquirer | Harper - Caring |
Imogen - Reflective | Lucy - Knowledgeable | Isla - Communicator |
Fletcher - Inquirer | Alexander - Thinker | Caden - Reflective |
Jude - Communicator | Mia - Balanced | Lacey - Knowledgeable |
Claire - Caring | Eva - Principled | Ava - Thinker |
William - Knowledgeable | Lewis - Inquirer | Ruby - Caring |
Aidan - Thinker | Winston - Reflective | William - Thinker |
Gigi - Open Minded | Lacey - Knowledgeable | Alexandra - Inquirer |
Henry - Communicator | Hayley - Caring | Cian - Thinker |
Jasper - Thinker | Amber - Principled | Elliot - Knowledgeable |
Olivia - Reflective | Noah - Inquirer | Annabel - Caring |
Charlotte - Caring | Michael - Thinker | Archer - Communicator |
Hassan - Principled | Jack - Reflective | Jett - Inquirer |
Mia - Knowledgeable | Ada - Caring | Kenzi - Thinker |
Sienna - Risk Taker | Aria - Communicator | George - Principled |
Sean - Communicator | Lucy - Knowledgeable | Leah - Open Minded |
James - Thinker | Jeremy - Risk Taker | Isla - Communicator |
Max - Inquirer | Dakota - Reflective | Alisha - Inquirer |
Lucas - Knowledgeable | Elsie - Thinker | Olivia - Principled |
Class 3OS - Caring | Class RG - Caring |
Materials & Services and Excursion fees are now due.
Please arrange to pay these fees as soon as possible.
Payments can be made via the QKR app, by eft to BSB 105078 A/C 302076240,
by credit card over the phone or
come in and make your payment at reception.
Thank you
Sue Matthews - Business Manager
The Literacy Action Group organised a writing competition for students across the school. We had many entries, and all were lovely to read. All members judged and worked together to decide the winners. Prizes and certificates were given out for the winners and the students that received commendations. We thank all the students who entered their stories which made the competition a competition. We hope that everyone improved on their story writing and creativity, as well as self-confidence.
The Literacy Action Group.
Maia, Clare, Charlotte, Hayley, Lily and Airlie
Year Level | Prize | Students Name | Class |
Reception | 1st | Harriet | RG |
2nd | Amarantha | RM | |
3rd | Ashton | RM | |
Commendation | Tess | RG | |
Isla | RM | ||
Eddy | RM | ||
Lewis | RG | ||
Year 1/2 | 1st | Ella | 2M |
2nd | Sienna | 2M | |
3rd | Alexandra | 2P | |
Commendation | Henry | 2M | |
Brandon | 1TM | ||
Matilda | 1TM | ||
Year 3/4 | 1st | Eliza | 3J |
2nd | Ella | 4M | |
3rd | James | 4G | |
Commendation | Fletcher | 4M | |
Year 5/6/7 | 1st | Chelsea | 6/7VH |
2nd | Lucy | 5T | |
3rd | Isla | 6/7VH |
Mr De Lyster
PE Teacher
After the success of our first round of matches where we eliminated 3 other schools from the competition, our boys’ knockout football team played its second round of matches against Stirling East PS and Craigburn PS at Frank Smith Reserve.
The boys won the first game convincingly:
Coromandel Valley v Stirling East
6 2
The second game was a close-matched contest and at full time the score was
Coromandel Valley v Craigburn
1 1
We then went into a penalty shootout to see which school would proceed to the next round. Unfortunately, we lost the shootout 3 goals to 4 and so have been eliminated from the competition.
The boys all played very well throughout the competition and should be proud of their efforts.
Congratulations to Alex and Samuel who have made the year 7 Southern Heights Football (Soccer) team. They will play against the other state districts this week, August 25 -27.
Congratulations to Bronzyn, Daniel, Jess, James and Antoni who have made the year 6 Southern Heights Football (Soccer) team. They will play in the state Football (Soccer) carnival on Wednesday September 1st - September 3rd.
This is an amazing achievement and opportunity for all boys.
The Year 6 girls made it through to the second round of the knockout netball competition, having been triumphant in the earlier round at Edwardstown. We travelled to Tatachilla hoping our dedicated training would ensure another successful day. Although we played our best, and with lots of energy, Tatachilla over-powered us in the first game. We came back even harder for our second game with a convincing win over Happy Valley, but alas it was too late and Tatachilla, having won both matches get to get through.
Vanessa Hiser
Yr7 teacher
The Premier’s Reading Challenge - STEM and Space component has now been completed and judged. With over 2000+ entries across the state, Coromandel Valley PS was well represented. We had over 30 entries and four of those students received a runner up award and/ or won the whole competition for their age group. WOW! What an achievement! Mark Williams kindly came to present their awards on Monday at assembly.
Congratulations to all those who competed and a special acknowledgment to our winner and runners up. Jasmine M was the winner of the R-2 Space component. Hannah B, Charlotte J and Jasmine M were runners up. Below are the photos of Mark with our entrants and prize winners. CONGRATULATIONS!
Book Week Extravaganza

Is your costume ready?
Do you know your favourite book?
Book Week is here, and we are well underway with fun, entertainment and showbiz!
Over the past two weeks students have busily been travelling through old worlds, new worlds and other worlds to answer questions and win a prize. They have also been watching and participating in some great online videos from authors and illustrators, participating in lunchtime activities and the R-3 joined in a Book Week performance.

Electrifying Science!
During this term, year 6/7 students are learning about electrical circuits.
This is new learning for a lot of students and we are having to remind ourselves to have a growth mindset during learning activities.
Students began making simple circuits, progressed to adding components and running a fair test, making a switch using conductive materials and will make an electronic game to share their new learning as a MYP summative task.

Science Week/Book Week Competition
The theme for National Science Week was “Food:Different By Design” and with the book week theme being “Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds” we held a competition combining the two.
We had an array of entries ranging from poster designs, recipe ideas, cakes and eucalyptus ice blocks for Koala’s.
Congratulations to all those who entered, especially to those prize winners, who were presented with a certificate and a prize at the Week 5 assembly.
Year R-2: Kenzi Fountain (1st), Alfie Gardner (2nd), Brandon Smith, Toby Govett and Sahishnu Mohghanthas (3rd).
Year 3-5: Harry Gardner (1st), Lila Armstrong (2nd), Ollie Armstrong (2nd) Eamon Williams & Dylan Blenkin (Honourable Mention).
Year 6-7: Thomas McGough.

Science Week 2021
What an exciting week was had by staff and students at Coro. The theme for National Science Week was “Food:Different By Design”.
We had chicks hatching from eggs, VR headset adventures, Minecraft club harvesting, movie watching with popcorn, future food construction, fruit artwork and a campfire with damper.
Students booked themselves into lunchtime activities to help celebrate Science Week.
As part of our inquiry to Sharing the Planet, the Reception classes ventured out for their first ever excursion. There was an abundance of excitement as they boarded the bus to Cleland Wildlife Park. And what perfect weather for it with lots of sunshine, although the air was still a little chilly. Students joined Andrea in the Education Centre and she introduced them to a green tree frog, a snake, a bearded dragon, and a possum. Then it was off to explore! With maps in hands, students organised which animals they wanted to see and followed the directions on the map to find them. Kangaroos, potoroos, koalas, dingoes, emus, and snakes were some of the favourite animals. Thank you to our volunteers for supporting the students on their adventure!
I liked patting the potoroo. It is a wild animal. We took turns choosing animals and using the maps. Joe
My favourite part was patting the koala. They eat lots of leaves. Channy
I liked seeing and feeling the koalas. They felt soft. The turtle shell had interesting patterns. Pardis
My favourite part was seeing all the animals. I wondered why the echidna was not in its enclosure. Wallace
I liked seeing the kangaroo with a joey in its pouch. We pressed the buttons on the speaker to hear a dingo howling. Jemima
I liked going on the bus. I learned that potoroos can bite! Lyla
My favourite part was patting the koala. It felt soft. I saw a baby kangaroo. Harper
I liked seeing all the animals. I didn’t know there would be dingoes there. Olivia.
The Year 1 classes have been inquiring into how the foods we eat go through processes. As part of our inquiry into farm to table, we walked to Magarey Orchard to explore how pears, apples, plums and apricots are processed. We really enjoyed seeing the different stages of production and tasting some delicious pears.
My favourite part was eating the juicy green pear. Oscar M
I learnt how pears are stored in the cold room so we can eat them all year round. Lily
I really enjoyed eating the fresh fruit as it tasted amazing. Charlie
I really enjoyed eating the Nashi pears. Rhys
I learnt how apples are processed. Tutsi
I enjoyed eating the fruit and walking around the orchard. Annabel
Year 1 teachers

The Reception students welcomed Ngarrindjeri Elder, Aunty Nellie Egan, to teach them the story of the wa-tji bird (blue wren) and a lesson about cheating. The story also taught students about the native plants and animals on Ngarrindjeri land. Aunty Nellie taught the students how to combine traditional methods and modern materials to make paint. Students used sticks to make marks on paper and had a lot of fun playing with the paint making process. Aunty Nellie gave the students a big bag of rocks so that they can revisit this experience again.
Thank you to Aunty Nellie for sharing her culture and knowledge with our youngest learners.
The Reception Team