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Coming from classrooms across the school we could hear a noise, unheard of before. It sounded like rapid, repetitive scratching from within the walls.
We could only imagine the scene that would await us upon investigation. As we cautiously entered the first classroom, we were dazzled by the furious writing occurring within. Every child completely captured in the process of writing! How could this be? Further exploration was the only option. It was then the child sitting closest to the door gently caught my attention and whispered "Sizzling Starts, Mrs. Pelling! shhhhh".
Our first pupil free day, held at Edwardstown Primary school, provided staff with a fantastic framework for exploring writing. We worked collaboratively to engage in activities that aimed to support the development of the writing process. Staff feedback reflected that they found the training extremely helpful and it is being readily applied in all classrooms throughout our school. Ask your child to share their understanding of a sizzling start if you would like some more information about this dynamic approach.
A major focus of our school this year is to develop our ability to set SMART goals. We want our children to be actively involved in the process of reflecting upon their work, and critical feedback from peers and staff, to set achievable, relevant and challenging goals. In particular, we will be encouraging students to develop goals in writing and numeracy but goalsetting will occur in all subjects throughout the year. Setting goals is a valuable way for students to build confidence, aim and achieve and learn in incremental steps through careful skill development. Staff will work closely with students to help them develop SMART goals throughout the year.
Developing leadership opportunities for our senior students is an important part of the culture at Coromandel Valley Primary School. We recently asked our Yr 7 students to apply for student leader positions. Our newly appointed student leaders will facilitate group discussions in student action groups around how we can improve our school. Congratulations to the following students:
Community Leaders - Kitty H, Sabelle A, Claire Z, Jake Z, Darcy T
Environment - Archer T, Aquilo F
Sustainability - Nick W, Erin S
Wellbeing - Micah R
Sport and recreation - Mia S, Cian H
The Arts - Rose P, Frankie T
ICT - Dylan C, Dylan S
Last year our leaders creatively developed many school projects and we look forward to seeing the ideas of our new action groups develop.
This year Coromandel Valley Primary School will also host the partnership SRC meetings capably hosted by Thyrza Veitch and Stew Nancarrow from Eden Hills
Hello everyone, my name is Le Tran and I’m a Social Work student at Flinders University. Today I’m sending a few words in our school newsletter to introduce myself to all school staff, students as well as parents of Coromandel Valley Primary School. I come from Vietnam, a beautiful country with many magnificent sceneries and succulent food, and it reveals the origin of Pho as well. I’m so grateful to be matched to our CVPS for my first placement, which gives me an opportunity to meet and work with many friendly, nice, and supportive people. When I was in Vietnam, I often attended to various community volunteer activities and together with my classmates in University, we subscribed necessities, money to charity organizations and orphanages whenever we had a chance. I have a desire of helping and supporting other people, so that was the reason why I chose to pursue Master of Social Work course. I and my peer student, Praveena, will be at our school 4 to 5 days a week to support the well-being of the school students, giving our hands to school staff when they need it. We will also draw up some plans to create activities for kids in lunch time or any special occasion in the near future. Hope that we, the SW student, will have successful learning and working time and can also contribute our knowledge, skills, and enthusiasm to the sustainable development of our school. Last word, I would send my special thanks to Ms. Pelling for the precious chance she has given to me!
Hello everyone!!
My name is Praveena and I am a Social Work Student (from Flinders University) on placement here in Coromandel Valley Primary School for the next 4 months. My colleague, Le Tran, and I are here to assist you in your wellbeing and help students achieve their full potential in all areas.
Now, a little bit more about myself. I hail from sunny Singapore and really miss the food from home. Here in Adelaide, I enjoy a walk on the beach in the evenings, baking, creating art, playing with dogs, exercising and just being around nature. I also love nature and love learning about plants and animals.
Please feel free to come up and say hello and have a chat whenever you see us around the school. I look forward to working here for the next few months.
Toby - Communicator | Georgia - Thinker | William - Inquirer |
Ruby - Balanced | Emerson - Caring | Liam - Communicator |
Sienna - Inquirer | Winston - Principled | Matilda - Reflective |
Isabella - Thinker | Oliver - Communicator | Ollie - Balanced |
Cameron - Caring | Elsie - Inquirer | Mackenzie - Caring |
Lola - Communicator | Asher - Thinker | Sophie - Risk Taker |
Ollie - Open Minded | Annabel - Knowledgeable | Ethan - Inquirer |
Hamish - Risk Taker | Jayden - Caring | Will - Communicator |
Ruby - Thinker | Ethan - Inquirer | Charli - Reflective |
Jake - Principled | Emma - Risk Taker | Miles - Thinker |
Lachy - Communicator | Kalem - Open Minded | Jonty - Caring |
Charlotte - Risk Taker | Quincy -Balanced | Zak - Communicator |
Amber - Thinker | Jasmine - Communicator | Ethan - Thinker |
Brooklyn - Caring | Lily - Thinker | Alina - Risk Taker |
Joseph - Knowledgeable | Amelie - Principled | Pariya - Communicator |
Elise - Risk Taker | Darbi - Open Minded | Jett - Thinker |
Oscar - Thinker | Isla - Communicator | Lucy - Knowledgeable |
Eleanor - Reflective | Reuben - Risk Taker | Aamina - Thinker |
Flynn - Communicator | Michael - Thinker | Alice - Caring |
Eli - Thinker | Amelia - Reflective | Willow - Thinker |
Emily - Caring | Leah - Communicator | Logan - Open Minded |
Duke - Reflective | Brock - Thinker | Cassian - Risk Taker |
Sebastian - Thinker | Alfie - Caring | Eliza - Communicator |
Patrick - Communicator | Kenzi - Thinker |

School sports are a great way for your child to learn new skills and be part of a team with their peers. In terms 2 and 3, the winter sports available (from Year 2) for girls and boys are Soccer, AFL Football and Netball.
Below is the link to the online sport nomination form for Out of Hours School Sport for Terms 2 & 3.
Please ensure nominations for all winter sports are received by Tuesday 22nd March. If you have difficulty with the online form, please ask at the front office.
Please also consider volunteering as a team manager or coach. This is a rewarding way to give back to the school community, and school sports rely on parent volunteers to operate.
For visiting dogs, the Principal should be made aware as they are responsible for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are made to protect the safety of students/children and the welfare of the animals.
No dog should be on site without their knowledge and permission as per the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and regulations.
At no time should dogs be allowed to wander on school sites unrestrained or unsupervised.
Splash! Sploosh! Splosh!
I fell into the icy water
The cold water bit into my skin
Brr! It's cold, I squealled as I turned pale.
The year four class was heading down the pool
It was a dreadful week of cold swimming lessons
It was at the fun and extra-ordinary Marion Outdoor Swimming Pool
It wasn't a vey long bus ride but it was definitely a fun one!
Splash, ouch! My head hits the water
I feel a rush of air as I come up but my head hurts
My foot is bleeding but no time to worry about that
It was freezing cold outside and I was about to slide in.
Splash! goose bumps all over, my lips were as blue as the sky and my nose as red as the blook in my veins
Who knew this could happen on such a nice day
Treading water to keep warm
Wow!! Now I know so many new swimming strokes and rescues
Thanks God, I learn those stokes otherwise I would be deep down in the scary blue ocean
Now I can survive if I fall off the boat
I loved learning them, it was so much fun
"OH! NO! I'm next" I said as blood was pumping through my heart
Splash I went back to the ladder
It was so scary
Yr 4 students

One of our yr 5 students, Alex recently represented South Adelaide Basketball Club in the Eltham/Dandenong tournament in Victoria.
Alex's team finished fourth after the round robin games and came up against the previously undefeated Victorian District development side 'Crossover'. South won that game by 2 points, then played in the Grand Final against the Ringwood Hawks' winning by 3 points.
Congratulations to Alex and South Adelaide on winning the under 12 competition.
On Friday, Southern Heights and City South districts held their annual combined Swimming Carnival. It was a pleasant evening for swimming and the carnival ran rather smoothly.
Well done to the following students who represented our school: Flynn, Jethro, Vinnie, Aerin, Charlotte, Micah, Tayla, Luciano and Thomas.
As usual, the competition was tough, but an extra congratulations to the following students who managed to win a ribbon in their event:
Vinnie: 2nd in breaststroke
Micah: 3rd in breaststroke and 4th in backstroke
Flynn: 4th in backstroke
A big thanks to Mr Bradbrook for timing the freestyle events.
Mr De Lyster
PE Teacher
Our first get together will be held on Monday 16th March at 9:30 am, straight after the assembly.
All parents are very welcome to come along, meet new parents and discuss the following:
- family engagement activities
- learning about school programs
- guest speakers
- opportunities for fundraising
We will provide a yummy morning tea, tea, and coffee. We will hold our first meeting in the OSHC hall.
We look forward to seeing old and new faces then.
Janita Bentley and Liz Pelling