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- CORO IN 2023
Dear Families and Friends
It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of the school year.
As we experienced for the last few years, 2022 brought much uncertainty to our lives, with an unusual start to the school year and then school closures due to storms this term; however, we have been fortunate to have experienced minimal disruption to school life throughout the second half of the year. We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support, with special thanks to the parents and friends who have supported various school activities, excursions, camps and sports programs. This level of support has allowed us to provide these valuable extra-curricular activities.
Our teaching staff have again shown a strong commitment to doing their best for the children they teach. They approach their work with positivity, enthusiasm and a focus on continuous improvement. Thank you for your dedicated, hard work again this year.
Similarly, we would like to acknowledge and thank our learning support and administration teams for their efforts and work. They have provided invaluable high-level intervention support for students and successfully managed school operations in the areas of front office, finance, technology, library and grounds.
Throughout the year, Coro students have shown positive attitudes to learning, upheld our school learner profile attributes and been involved in the broader aspects of school life, including: after-hours school / Sapsasa sports, sports days, choirs, special days, SRC, crossing and flag duties, school garden activities, buddy classes, assemblies, camps/excursions, Minecraft / art clubs, and much more. We trust they’ve had an enjoyable year, and we’re sure they’ll be looking forward to the holidays.
We would like to thank members of this year’s Governing Council for their advocacy and support of our school. Special thanks to Sam Neville (Chair), Tim Patrick, Cyndy Hosken, Chelsea Mount, Ben Sanderson, Adam Pope, Sally Woolford, Angelica Crabb, Anna Forgan, Declan Pope, Janita Bentley, Andrew Brown, Melissa McKenzie and Taylor Jones. Strong parent support contributes to our school in so many positive ways.
This has been the last week of primary school for our Year 6 students. We look forward to saying farewell at their graduation ceremony this evening. They are a terrific group of young people with bright futures ahead of them, and we wish them the very best for the next stage of their schooling.
Each year we farewell families, many of whom have been heavily involved in school life. We thank you for your support over the years and extend our best wishes for the future. Thank you for being part of the Coromandel Valley Primary School community.
Last but by no means least, thank you to Kat, Mike, Kate and Sue, who have provided excellent support and leadership across all aspects of school life.
We have very much enjoyed working with students, staff and families this year, and we wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas / New Year. We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday, 30th January 2023.
Kind regards
Rob Warncken
New School Year – 2023
Please note that:
- The Front Office will closed for the Christmas / New Year holiday period from Tuesday 20th December to Monday 23rd January. For any important/urgent messages during this time, please email the school
- Teaching staff officially return to work on Tuesday 24th January, in preparation for the new year.
- The first day of the school for students is Monday 30th January.
Teaching Staff List - 2023
I am pleased to be able to share our teaching staff for 2023
- Reception – Alicia Melbourne
- Reception – Alex Long
- Reception – Michelle Govett
- Year 1 - Chris Popplewell
- Year 1 – Kate Trengove
- Year 1 – Kerri Campbell
- Year 2 – Leah Osborne 0.7 & Anna Taylor 0.3
- Year 2 – Wendy Thompson
- Year 2 – Kylie Gardner 0.6 & Katie Magarey 0.4
- Year 3/4- Chris Gully
- Year 3/4- Sean Murphy
- Year 3/4- Maria Drakos
- Year 3/4- Lauren Langley 1.0 (T1) 0.6 (T2-4) & Eve Hooper 0.4 (T2-4)
- Year 4/5 - Tanya Taylor
- Year 4/5 - Juli Bryan
- Year 5/6 - Dan Johnson
- Year 5/6 - Laura Barnes (0.8) & Janita Bentley (0.2)
- Year 5/6 - Kylie Mueller
- Teacher Librarian/Autism Inclusion Teacher (0.1) – Michelle O’Connell
- Japanese – Hiro Yamamoto
- Japanese (R-1) - Carey Greenslade
- PE – Bernie Delyster 0.8
- Performing Arts – Stacey Stutterd 0.8
- Science – Sarah Todd 0.8
- Kate O’Driscoll – Assistant Principal
- Kat Morgan – Deputy Principal
- Rob Warncken– Principal
A friendly reminder that school will finish at 2:10 pm tomorrow afternoon.
Students may wear casual clothes to school tomorrow for the last day of school.
Monday 6th February - Please note this is very early in the school year to support our work with evidence-based Reading and Spelling development.
Friday 9th June
Monday 24th July
Friday 10th November - this will be the day after the Year 3-6 Dance Night
Schools closure Day:
Friday 8th September (Royal Adelaide Show)
A reminder that the school and OSHC will be closed when the CFS declares a catastrophic fire danger rating for the Mt Lofty District for the day ahead. This declaration usually occurs after 4.30pm with the Minister for Education confirming school closures thereafter.
Peyton - Thinker | Joe - Reflective | Gemma - Communicator |
Liam - Knowledgeable | Darcy - Inquirer | Emily - Caring |
Nariah - Principled | Saoirse - Balanced | Wallace - Thinker |
Taylor - Thinker | Mason - Caring | Ruby - Principled |
Vale - Reflective | Archer - Thinker | Liam - Knowledgeable |
Erin - Caring | Will - Principled | Anissa - Thinker/Knowledgeable |
Amarantha - Thinker | Baden - Knowledgeable | Lola - Caring |
Sebastian - Knowledgeable | Lacey - Thinker | Coby - Principled |
Ruby - Principled | Lacey - Caring | Beau - Thinker |
Allana - Thinker | Lex - Balanced | Tess - Knowledgeable |
Ruby - Communicator | Noah - Risk Taker | Emerson - Principled |
Holly - Knowledgeable | Maddie - Thinker | Jude - Inquirer |
Alby - Thinker | Duke - Communicator | Kenzi - Knowledgeable |
Felix - Knowledgeable | Maxwell - Inquirer & Reflective | Harvey - Thinker |
Owen - Reflective | Finn - Knowledgeable | Peyton - Caring |
Lotti - Communicator | Bailey - Inquirer | Isaac - Reflective |
Noah - Thinker | Millie - Balanced | Ruby - Communicator |
Jeremy - Inquirer | Edward - Communicator | Alfie - Thinker |
Mia - Balanced | Matilda - Principled | Alice - Knowledgeable |
Archer - Knowledgable | Len - Reflective | Griffen - Risk Taker |
Hugh - Reflective | Annabel - Open Minded | Ari - Balanced |
Cody - Principled | Aria - Caring |
On Thursday the 1st of December all the year 4s went to Valo ADL500. After we arrived we split into groups of 3 with either a parent or teacher supervising a group. We walked around the place learning about forces & seeing stuff that is loud & fast or stuff that is mind-blowing & fun to see.
We had to get earplugs from the first aid area because the cars were going so fast, the friction they created made it so loud. We explored the area, learning about different types of cars even cars from a really long time ago.
Once we got to school the teacher ask what we enjoyed or what we learnt.
I learnt that some cars have a motorbike engine. -Freya
I enjoyed watching the motorbike stunts. -Hamish
I enjoyed seeing the main race because it made me understand about force. -Mia
I learnt when people don’t slow down fast enough around a corner they will have no control of the car. -Joseph
Thank you for letting me share about ADL500. - Isla B

To the Coro School Community
Thank you so much to everyone who donated food and Christmas items towards the Salvation Army’s Christmas Cheer appeal.
We were able to support with several large boxes and bags of food and the Salvation Army greatly appreciated our support.
Thank you, and Merry Christmas!
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
One of the things that makes our school community so wonderful is the multitude of volunteers who give their precious time and efforts to help our school. From helping clear the trees from the storm, to running the Mothers and Fathers Day stalls, to BBQs, school sports or any other volunteering done behind the scenes, we appreciate our volunteers and the time they donate.
A special mention to Jodie Morton for her single handed effort on Mother's Day and other events like election day SS, Fathers' Day, Colour Run etc. Took on the role and did a great job!!! Big special thanks!
Just wanted to acknowledge an amazing volunteer. We have had a few people who have helped contact new books for the library over the last two years. This is a job that is so important, in order to get books out quickly for students to borrow. This year Kirsty Henning has come in regularly to check if I have any books. When I do she takes bags of them home to contact. She has been amazing!
Nathan Smith (Wolfe's dad from RL) he has helped Keith post storm and done a lot of clean up around the school and Frank Smith carpark. He is still going and almost finished with Frank Smith.
I just wanted to give a massive shout out to Peter McPheat for the phenomenal effort he put into enabling the students to participate in the musical theatre production Butch and Daisy Save the World. He absolutely poured his heart into it and gave an incredible amount of his time and resources. I know all families involved were extremely grateful and would really like him to be acknowledged publicly at the celebration night. The children will never forget that experience!
Thank you to the Netball coaches and Team Managers for all your amazing work. Kathryn Andrew, Sue Allen, Amber Yuill, Katrice White, Paul Dowling, Jenne Farrant, Anna Forgan, Sue Cooper, Lisa Richards, Janita Bentley, Kelly Mc Taggart, Sally Olgilvie
All of the sporting coaches and organisers are phenomenal! My son has personally benefited from Natalie Galka, Mark Riesen and Nicola Murphy stepping up this year but there are so many sports and so many volunteers
The school canteen and uniform shop wouldn’t fully function without its volunteers. A great bunch who love to give to the school. Anna Forgan, Kirsty Henning, Emma Kerkerz, Leigh Powell and Jodie Morton help out and we love having them.
To everyone who helped on the Election BBQs, specifically Snag-cooker extraordinaire Robin, Cyndy, Sally (twice), Kim, Sara, Kristy (twice as well) Anna and Jane. Two in a year was a big ask, but we sold out both days and Cyndy may never chop onions again!
How can you help the school in 2023? Keep an eye and ear out for calls for help on the P&F page, and remember to recognise and thank those who give their time to help our school and kids have the most wonderful experiences at and after school.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of those who have helped or donated their time to the school, but here are a number of volunteers who have been recognised by other school community members for their contributions this year. These were compiled from emails to the Governing Council and from the P&F Facebook page. Thank you to everyone who sent in a mention recognising these special people.
Governing Council Chair
We’d like to take this opportunity to celebrate and recognise the vital work of volunteer mentors on the Kids Hope and Learning Assistance Programme (LAP). Kids Hope and LAP volunteers support students one-to-one, once a week. They help reinforce knowledge, strengthen skills, and provide encouragement and understanding. They also help students make connections and build positive relationships.
A special thank you to our wonderful kitchen garden volunteer Sonia. Your help in the kitchen and garden this year has been invaluable! You’re always ready to jump in and do whatever is needed, whether its weeding, sweeping, planting, cooking or dishes. Nothing is too much trouble.
Although it’s been another challenging year, we thank our wonderful volunteers and look forward to their continued support in 2023.
Sports nomination forms for cricket and basketball are now open.
To register your interest, please complete the form on the following link
To read our sports policy please click on the following link
Kanga Cricket (Years 2 and 3) games are played for one hour on Saturday mornings using plastic bats and balls. It's a great way to introduce children to cricket.
C Grade (Years 4 and 5) are played on Saturday mornings for two hours using wooden bats, pads and helmets.
Basketball is offered to students from Year 3 up. Games are played at the Blackwood Rec Centre after school on the days mentioned below. Games go for 30 minutes and game times range between 3.45 to 5.30. Cost is approx $7 per game (it depends how many players are in the team), plus a fee for the year.
Games generally start in Week 3, so please get your form in otherwise you may miss your spot.
Please remember to volunteer yourself to be a coach/team manager; it is very rewarding and the kids love it. It is very easy and remember no coach means no play!
It is wonderful to share that our Colour Explosion School Run 4 Fun was a huge success.
It is fantastic to see the spirit and enthusiasm that was displayed in supporting our school. Of course, the true highlight is the smiles on the students' faces as they ran THE COLOUR RUN and watched Mr Warncken get slimed.
It was great to see so many parents, friends and siblings on the sidelines watching the fun and a big thank you to the canteen for catering with refreshments and to the Coro CFS and to all the Volunteers on the day.
We raised $12158.35, which will plant 184 trees and 392 coral for the wellbeing of our environment and $7182.36 to go toward our “bottle refill station”. The planted trees and coral will go into the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor and the Great Barrier Reef. Way to go!
Again, our most sincere thanks for your support and fundraising efforts. We couldn't have done it without you!
Kind regards,
Jodie Morton (Parents & Friends committee)
Well done Flynn F and Aerin K, who were selected for the Southern Heights tennis team. There were six divisions and the Southern Heights team played in Division 1, which is of a very high standard. They played in a three-day carnival against seven other schools and finished seventh. Congratulations to Flynn and Aerin, who both played well and enjoyed the experience.
Congratulations to Lily Z, who played in the SAPSASA district girls cricket team. Despite the heat and the tough opposition (Southern Metro finished in eight place), the team bonded well and had an awesome week.