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- EARLY DISMISSAL - Friday 9th April
Term one has passed by very quickly with an abundance of great learning and extracurricular activities that have been highlights for all. It is nice to have parents back on school grounds as COVID-19 restrictions ease. This was particularly evident at our Acquaintance evening and recent 3 way discussions.
Some of the highlights include:
- Student leader selection
- Sports day leaders
- Growth and Development
- Yr 3-5 swimming
- District swimming
- Harmony day
- National day of action against bullying and violence
- External review
- Lacrosse carnival
- 3 way discussions
It was great to see parents, students and teachers come together for our recent 3 way discussions. Thanks to staff, students and parents for your contributions to these valuable discussions. Very happy to receive any feedback regarding 3 way discussion which can be emailed to
Our Yr 3's 5's and 6/7's have all been on camp this term to various local locations. I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff for the additional time they spend to provide great learning opportunities for our students on school camps. In a recent discussion with a teacher, they explained the many benefits for students as they work within teams, build quality relationships, face new challenges and engage in problem solving activities. The opportunity to attend camp is one that creates lifelong memories.
On behalf of staff we hope you have a Happy Easter break.
In week 4 we held our school AGM where the annual report was presented along with an overview of the site improvement plan.
We had our first Governing Council meeting on Tuesday of week 8. We would like to welcome the following parents who are continuing on or have been elected to be part of school Governing Council. We would like to thank Daniel Zervaas for his leadership as Chairperson of the Governing Council for the past two years.
Chairperson | Samantha Neville |
Deputy Chair | Matthew Robinson |
Treasurer | Heidi Hillier |
Secretary | Ben Sanderson |
Sport | Chelsea Mount |
Canteen | Matthew Robinson |
OSHC | Chelsea Mount |
Parents and Friends | To be confirmed |
Grounds | Jayne Webster |
Members | Tim Patrick |
Lou Gardner | |
Candice Doman | |
Cyndy Hosken | |
Julia Jones |
Governing council have approved the following pupil free days:
Friday 18th June
Monday 19th July
Friday 5th November
Our school closure day will be on Friday 10th September.
Last Tuesday we had our first parent consultation group meeting to explore aspects of schooling and family engagement. We discussed topics such as communication, homework, uniform and how to support student learning. We will meet again early next term to develop a parent survey for our families.
We are still looking for a Yr 2, 4 and 5 representative. If you have a spare hour on a Tuessday at 5:30pm please email to register your interest in joining this group.
We have had a lot of inquiries about student enrolment at our school and appreciate the response from existing families in completing the registration of interest form for children to enrol in 2022.
To support us with this process we are asking families who have a child starting school in 2022, or know of a family who lives in the community with a child starting in 2022, to complete the registration of interest form by the end of term 2.
We are conducting tours regularly. Please call the school if you would like to organise a tour.
Registration of interest forms are available on our website, the link below or from the front office.
We are very much looking forward to some keen competition for our upcoming sports day to be held on the last day of Term 1, Friday 9th April.
This year we will be able to invite families to join us for this event following the conditions below:
- 2 people per family can register to attend sports day. Younger children are included in the 2 maximum per family. An email will be sent to families next week to register their attendance.
- Visitors will not be permitted to enter buildings, gym or the hall.
- A coloured wrist band will be provided upon entry to indicate registration and covid-safe check in.
- During the sprint and championship events all visitors must remain behind a cordoned off area well behind students and teachers
- Covid marshalls will be present at the event.
Parents will need to register to attend this event via the link below.
The sports day programme will be emailed to all families today.
Congratulations to the 16 students who were voted by their teams to lead them on Sports Day. No doubt they will do a great job
Congratulations to Abigail from Ms Hiser's Yr 6/7 class who was drawn from over 130 entries to receive the beautiful easter bunny prize.
Emerson - Thinker | Ryusei - Principled | Ziggy - Reflective |
Kalem - Caring | India - Communicator | Callum - Risk Taker |
Henry - Reflective | Orin - Risk Taker | Georgia - Reflective |
William - Thinker | Hudson - Balanced | Hannah - Knowledgeable |
Flynn - Inquirer | Max - Reflective | Lily - Principled |
Ella - Risk Taker | Elise - Caring | Logan - Communicator |
Eliza - Knowledgeable | Lennox - Principled | Emilia - Reflective |
Austin - Communicator | Tess - Thinker | Scott - Open Minded Thinker |
Owen - Reflective | Valerian - Knowledgeable | Molly - Caring |
Chelsea - Principled | Liam - Communicator | Mira - Reflective |
Patrick - Thinker | Jamie - Reflective | Emma - Thinker |
Amelia - Reflective | Kelly - Caring | Max - Communicator |
Alice - Communicator | Mila - Principled | Noah - Reflective |
Harry - Caring | Arya - Open Minded | Rhys - Communicator |
Flynn - Thinker | Archer Reflective | Freya - Principled |
Ollice - Reflective | Asher - Caring | Tia - Inquirer |
Lewis - Communicator | Phoenix - Risk Taker | Alby - Thinker |
Griffin - Caring | Brock - Thinker | Sophie - Reflective |
Aria - Reflective | Matilda - Communicator | Jett - Caring |
Annabel - Inquirer | Fin - Reflective | Hassan - Principled |
Lily - Reflective | Ruby - Open Minded | Archer - Communicator |
Carter - Knowledgeable | Maisie - Inquirer | Millie - Reflective |
Aerin - Communicator | Zara - Caring | Jiya - Thinker |
Marley - Reflective | Poppy - Thinker | Ryusei - Inquirer |
Frankie - Thinker | Ami - Reflective | Theo - Communicator |
Alexandra - Risk Taker | Levi - Principled | Charles - Reflective |
Bethany - Communicator | Alice - Knowledgeable |
EARLY DISMISSAL - Friday 9th April
Students will be dismissed at 2:10pm on the last day of school, Friday 9th April, at the conclusion of sports day.
Why do we love the Learner Profile?
At our Monday assemblies, students are often presented with Learner Profile certificates to celebrate their achievements and growth. But what is the Learner Profile and why is it important to us at Coromandel Valley Primary School?
The Learner Profile is a core component of all International Baccalaureate programs as it represents a broad range of human capacities and encourages growth in all areas of learning and life. We love it because the attributes defined in the Learner Profile create a common language in our school community and help the students to develop a well-rounded, growth mindset.
During Term 1, many classes have focused on the Learner Profiles and used them to create class and personal goals, and their classroom essential agreements. Chat to your child about the Learner Profiles; which ones are important to them? Why? How can they use them in their everyday life? We hope that you, too, will find it a useful tool for discussing the attributes you want your child to develop.
Kate O'Driscoll
PYP Coordinator
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence – Friday 19 March 2021
The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) is Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative, connecting schools and communities to find workable solutions to bullying and violence.
The theme for the NDA 2021 was Take Action Together. This theme aims to elevate student voice, empowering young Australians to join the conversation.
Our Wellbeing leaders spoke about the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence at Assembly last Monday morning, and the school watched a video clip looking at this issue.(available via link below)
As a part of the day, the Year 6/7 classes looked at information and statistics around bullying, and how they can access help.
Our Year 5/6 class participated in a workshop with Jenni called “For and Against”. The workshop assisted students to:
· define bullying and understand the prevalence of it in Australia
· understand differences and acknowledge the power of words
· define empathy and practice relating to others in a way that demonstrates that they are FOR others
· remember that each of us has the power to choose how we treat others
· consider the consequences of being against others through our words and actions
· create communities that are safe, fun and inclusive.
One activity that we did was the Bubbles Activity - In the same way that we can’t put the bubbles back once they’re out of a container, it’s impossible for us to take back the things we say or do once they’re said or done. It’s important for us to think about the consequences of our words and actions and to consider how someone else will feel because of what we say or do.
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
Students in Year 3 attended El Shaddai during Week 10 which, for many of them, was their first time attending a school camp. The overnight stay was an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate risk-taking in a safe environment and try new challenges.
The organised activities included rock climbing, archery, a low ropes obstacle course, laser tag, up-close experiences with reptiles and ‘the big swing’. Teachers were extremely proud of the way every child challenged themselves to do something out of their comfort zone, and how they supported each other as they did so. Upon returning from camp, students reflected on their moments of growth and looked at how putting themselves in new situations helps them to learn.
Year 3 Teaching Team

PSMF Senior Choir
On Friday 12th March, our Coromandel Valley PSMF choir attended their first combined rehearsal at Belair Primary School. We were fortunate to have Cathy Lang, Festival of music director lead us in our combined rehearsal where we sang through some of the festival repertoire for 2021, working on some particularly tricky sections of the music and singing in 2 part harmony. Thomas McGough showed excellent leadership skills and confidence in leading the combined choirs in a warmup. It was lovely to have the opportunity to sing with Belair and Eden Hills Primary school’s choirs and are excited about preparing for performing at the Festival Theatre at the end of term 3. We send a big thankyou to our parent volunteers who helped make this experience happen and are very excited about sharing some of the songs for 2021 in assemblies very soon. Stay tuned!..
*All PSMF senior choir students are expected to bring their choir books to all rehearsals.
Rehearsal times: Tuesday 11:50am
Junior Choir
The junior choir is well under way and we have a large enthusiastic group of singers for 2021! They have been working hard in preparation for performing at our Harmony Day assembly coming up Friday of week 9.
*All junior choir students are expected to bring their display folder to all rehearsals for music and lyrics.
Rehearsal times: Wednesday lunch times.
Seesaw and choirs
There is now a seesaw page for both Junior Choir and PSMF Senior Choir. Please check this out and make sure all students can access this for practice, information and notices.
School Band
We have had a great turn-out for the Coro school band for 2021. Students have been enthusiastic and their first performance for the year was at our sharing assembly and harmony day assembly in week 9.
*Students in the Coro School Band are expected to attend all rehearsals and always bring their music and instrument.
Rehearsal time: Thursday lunch times.
Instrumental Program
Reminder, if your child is interested in learning an instrument, please find more information and how to register on our school website – extra-curricular, instrumental.
The Environmental Action Group and some invited yr5's attended the Youth Environmental Leadership Program at Belair National Park on Tuesday 23 March.
They networked and collaborated with students from other schools, were involved in hands on workshops auditing wetlands birds and building bamboo bee hotels.
Two more sessions throught the year will be held for the environmentally minded students to continue building upon ideas and sustainable actions for the school.
Thank you to the parent volunteers that helped out on the day.
Sarah Todd

Our lost property box is once again overflowing with with unnamed items.
If you are missing any jumpers, jackets, containers or drink bottles please come and collect them.
Any unclaimed items will be given to charity.