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- "Get Well Soon" – ONE50DANCE
Dear Families,
The end of 2020 has once again seen us challenged with another COVID-19 threat. Thank you for responding with haste and clarity and regularly checking school correspondence to follow guidelines.
Last week we met our transitioning receptions and families, welcoming them to our school community. It was great to see so many eager and excited children looking forward to their new school journey. There will be two more reception transitions which will be carried out in accordance with Department COVID guidelines. Our Yr 7 students (and some of our Yr 6's) have also been busy engaging in transition visits and opportunities ready for their move to high school next year.
Staff are well into the process of finalising classes for 2021. Our aim is always to build academically balanced classes that consider the needs of students, including friendships. On Wednesday morning, 9th December all students will spend some time in their 2021 classroom. School reports will also be sent home on this day.
In a year like no other we appreciate your ongoing understanding when events have been canceled due to restrictions. Staff have done their best to provide students with as many opportunities as possible, some of which are showcased in this newsletter. Whilst we will miss Celebration Night, we are looking forward to hosting a special assembly on the last day of school to farewell students and staff who are leaving our community. We will be live streaming this Assembly to share with you.
Liz Pelling
2021 Acquaintance Night will be held on Tuesday 9th February. Everything going to plan, we are hoping to be able to have families visit the school and meet with staff.
We are also planning an information session and information booths.
Our annual AGM will be held a week later on Tuesday 16th February in the school library. We will be looking for parents who are interested in being a part of our Governing Council. More information will be provided early next year for those interested in nominating.
Megan and Larry Resch have decided that it is time for them to retire from CVPS Pedal Prix after volunteering for the past 6 years at our school. In this time they have given many hours to train our students and provide lasting memories in a great sport. We cannot thank them enough for all that they have done for our school.
We are looking for a new Team Manager so that we can continue this exciting school venture. If you are keen to be a part of this program please contact me by email or by calling the school to discuss further.
Both Megan and Larry will be happy to share information and provide initial guidance for the new coordinator. They have thoroughly enjoyed this position and are only too happy to help to keep it alive in our community.
Dexter - Reflective | Anissa - Caring | Emily - Communicator |
Brandon - Thinker | Lucy - Risk Taker | Lexi - Reflective |
Jackson - Caring | Hassan - Principled | Laura - Caring |
Nicholas - Reflective | Noah - Knowledgeable | Julian - Risk Taker |
Sam - Caring | Lucas - Balanced | Lily - Principled |
Jack - Prinicpled | Miles - Caring | Sophie - Thinker |
Olivia - Risk Taker | Ellie - Communicator | Orin - Caring |
Corby - Caring | Bianca - Balanced | Hugh - Principled |
Jake - Principled | Finn - Reflective | Ada - Communicator |
Griffen - Communicator | Iggy - Caring | Patrick - Caring |
Erin - Caring | Hugo - Thinker | Sahishnu - Open Minded |
Tilly - Thinker | Jaxon - Communicator |
A reminder as the year draws to a close that the Canteen is open Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. A huge thank you to all those who have supported our Canteen opening an extra day in the latter part of this year. We would love to maintain this next year, so keep on taking advantage of the yummy fried rice on Mondays, as well as all the other delicious goodies available on the menu and over the counter.
We've noticed that some children are bringing noodles from home and requesting hot water from the Canteen. Unfortunately we are unable to provide this service, but students are welcome to bring their own hot water in a thermos. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
As we head into Summer, don't forget about our slushies that are available for $2.00! Our slushies have a fruit juice base, rather than a sugary syrup, to fit with the Right Bite program. And, coming soon...a few new options for lunches: falafel and salad (great for vegan/vegetarian customers), and chicken with coleslaw. Keep your eye out for these options.
Sports nomination forms for cricket and basketball (subject to finding a coordinator) are now open.
To register your interest, please complete the form on the following link
To read our sports policy please click on the following link
Kanga Cricket (Years 2 and 3) games are played for one hour on Saturday mornings using plastic bats and balls. It's a great way to introduce children to cricket.
C Grade (Years 4 and 5) are played on Saturday mornings for two hours using wooden bats, pads and helmets.
Basketball is offered to students from Year 3 up. Games are played at the Blackwood Rec Centre after school on the days mentioned below. Games go for 30 minutes and game times range between 3.45 to 5.30. Cost is approx $7 per game (it depends how many players are in the team), plus a fee for the year.
Games generally start in Week 3, so please get your form in otherwise you may miss your spot.
Games are played on the following days:-
Monday - Year 7
Tuesday - Year 3
Wednesday - Year 4
Thursday - Year 6
Friday - Year 5
Please remember to volunteer yourself to be a coach/team manager; it is very rewarding and the kids love it. It is very easy and remember no coach means no play!
At assembly on Monday 1 December we said a fond farewell to long term LAP volunteer Sue Wells.
A former teacher and Deputy, Sue Wells has been volunteering for our Learning Assistance Program for an incredible 35 years. This means that she has worked with at least 35 Coro students over the years, being a mentor and tutor to these lucky students. For the past 17 years Sue has developed a close working relationship with teacher Thyrza Veitch and her students.
Sue is always reliable and professional. She has shown great patience and understanding when working with our students.
2020 has proven to be a particularly challenging year and Sue has made the difficult decision not to return for LAP next year.
Sue has truly been an asset to the school and we can’t thank her enough for her commitment to Coro Primary.
LAP Coordinator
Jenny Tucker
On Tuesday Week 6, 17/11/2020 we had a Japanese Obentou Lunch Day. It was great to see that so many students ordered and enjoyed their obentou lunch.
In total 320 obentou (159 Karaage bentou, 30 Fried salmon bentou, 54 Vegetarian sushi bentou 68 Gluten Free Teriyaki chicken bentou and 9 Gluten Free Karaage bentou) were ordered!! This means that over 66% students at CVPS experienced a Japanese obentou on that day.
Because of this realistic experience, Yr1 students have become more familiar with Japanese obentou and actively connect their experience to their learning and inquiries in their Obentou unit of inquiry.
A huge thank you to students, parents/caregivers and staff members who supported by ordering obentou to make this cultural event successful.
Also, thank you so much to Year 1 Mrs Drakos’s class and our student social workers Jack and Dinh for helping with sorting and delivering obentou to each class on that day.
A special thank you to Nagomi Japanese kitchen for cooking our yummy obentou lunch. Students who missed the obentou lunch this year or want to eat more Japanese food, you can still experience tasty Japanese lunch/dinner at Nagomi Japanese kitchen (Shop 5/242 Hutt Street Adelaide).
Hiroyuki Yamamoto
Japanese teacher

This year, members of our school community participated in Children’s University which has been a great opportunity for students to continue building successful habits of learning outside of their classroom.
On Monday of week 6, our 2020 graduates received their Graduation Certificates during our Monday Assembly. Our graduating Students from Yr 3-6 collected learning hours in their passport while engaging in a wide variety of learning experiences outside school hours. Students were celebrated by all classes and teachers for their learning and achievement. Thank you to all of those people who continue to support this terrific program and who contribute to its success.
Congratulations to our graduating students for 2020.
Dan Johnson
In week 5, the Year 3-7 classes were fortunate to attend a performance by hip-hop dance group One50Dance. Approximately 25 dancers came in their troupe to present their Get Well Soon concert. Apart from an amazingly energetic and entertaining presentation, they also had a very encouraging message. They explained that, just like a virus can spread, the way we think about ourselves can impact those around us. If we know and believe that we are unique, special and have purpose, then we value ourselves and won’t experience insecurity. In turn we will value others, the differences between each of us, as well as what we can learn from others. What we will pass on to others if we value ourselves and others is wellness – friendship, encouragement, inspiration, support and purpose.
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
Year 1 Palaeontology incursion
Did you know that fossilized poo is call “coprolite?”
We were able to examine some during our visit from the Flinders University Palaeontology visit. Students looked at “reconstruction” during our incursion which meant we were pretending to be palaeontologists and thinking of how looking at the shape of a skeleton could help us identify what animal it was based on observable features.
One big take away from this session is how images in books are theories and fossils are factual…
Year 2 CSIRO “STEM professionals in school” visit
Why are particular materials combined? Is there a reason why a material is chosen for a purpose? Dr Xanthe Strudwick from the Future Industries Institute (UniSA Mawson Lakes) brought lots of different wound dressings to show us during her visit to Coro in Week 5. We looked at how different dressings (band-aids etc) are made out of different materials and for different purposes then constructed our own. We had to collaborate, communicate and justify our choices - just like real scientists! We used gladwrap as it was transparent, bubble wrap for comfort, cotton wool and chux for its absorbing abilities and alfoil for its strength.
What’ll happen to the wattle?
What will happen to Golden Wattle seeds that have been in space for 6 months? Will they grow as normal? Will they have a different leaf shape, still provide shelter for animals? These were just a few of the wonderings Year 6 students Sonny, Ewan, Angus, Daniel, Alex and Flynn had. They created a video entry for Coro to be considered– and we have been chosen
The seeds are scheduled to go into space on December 3rd on a crewed flight with SpaceX (SpaceX21). Below is the patch for the mission launch and keep an eye on for a live stream (around 3/12).
Looking forward to this adventure!
Mrs Todd
Science Teacher
Last week, the Year 7s went on a camp to Douglas Scrub at McLaren Flat, where we stayed for three days. We had excellent food, including burgers, baked potatoes, burritos and pancakes. Each group did lots of different activities, making and racing Billy Karts, giant catapults, bush hiking, and an exciting and challenging rock climbing and ropes course. We had to wear harnesses and learn about climbing safety.The dorms were comfortable, and we chatted into the night. One night we had a talent show, and a dance group called The People won, winning the right to get the food first at breakfast and lunch. In all, it was fun, exciting and we learnt a lot.
On the 11 of November the year 6s went to Woodhouse. We stayed in a big two storey house called the manor. At Woodhouse we did activities such as laser tag, ice blocking, tube slide, challenge hill, labyrinth, geocaching, team building and bouldering. The food was very tasty. We had pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast. For lunch we had sausages and sandwiches and for dinner we had lasagna steak and chicken. It rained on our second day, but we could still do all of the activities. We enjoyed camp and having a camp fire to toast marshmallows.
Thank you to Daniel Fergusson, Natalie Galka, Nick Fox, Jenni Forder, Mrs O’Connell and the 6/7 teachers for helping us have a great camp.
Harry, Jackson and Hunter

We had waited for what felt like months… August (judging day) until November to find out what placings Patrik Porter (1TM) and Ethan Wass (3BM) had received in their Oliphant Science Award Multimedia presentations. On Friday 13 November at Brighton Secondary School the boys were presented with their certificates.
Patrik received 1st place in the R-2 multimedia category for his entry titled “The Science of Skiing”.
Ethan received 2nd place in the 3-4 multimedia category for his entry titled “Space Video – Mars”.
Congratulations to both Patrik and Ethan for their commitment effort and persistence. Well done also to the other students from Coro that submitted an entry during 2020.
"Congratulations also goes to Elise (1TM) and Shravenn (3BM) for receiving a Highly Commended award in their category.
Participation awards will be presented to Sahishnu (RG), Patrik (1TM), Elise (1TM), Willow (1CB), Georgia (2M), Eli (2H), Ethan (3BM), Shravenn (3BM), Ella (3BM), Thomas (3BM), Harry (3J), Maddy (4M), Jess (5T), Riley (6/7V), Charlotte (6/7V) and Rose (6/7V)."
Mrs Todd
Science Teacher

On Thursday and Friday of week 4 Archie competed in the SAPSASA golf event. After qualifying in the top 10 for our school district he played with 150 other 10-13 year olds at West Beach Parks Golf Club. The students played 15 holes on Day 1 with the top 44 playing off in the final the following day.
Archie didn’t have his best day on Day 1 against very strong competition however took the opportunity to play in an Invitational event held the following day for players who didn’t make the final. He had a much better day improving his score by 15 shots and made some new friends. It was a great experience.
We have had the bike below handed in at the office. If it is yours or you know who it belongs to please come and collect it.