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Dear Parents/Caregivers,
As we draw closer to the end of the term it is always really nice to reflect upon our school achievements, be they big or small. It is always pleasing to hear about both individual and group achievements, including participation in new ventures.
Some highlights have been:
- Yr 3 camp to Aldinga
- Yr 6 camp to Arbury Park
- Yr 7 camp to Flinders Ranges
- District Cross Country
- NAPLAN online
- Junior Primary Water safety
- Indigenous student get togethers
- Pedal Prix
- Athletics Day
- Knockout sport
- Mother's day stall and breakfast
- Chess competition
- Biggest Morning Tea
On behalf of the staff I would like to thank you for supporting all that we do at school and wish you an enjoyable mid year break.
20 year 6 & 7 students took part in the 6hr Pedal Prix race at Victoria Park on Sunday 16th June. Black Betty and Bam-Ba-Lam competed against 159 other trikes, with riders from both primary and high schools. Bam-Ba-Lam finished in 6th place for the primary school category, and 65th overall. Black Betty finished in 2ndplace for the primary schools, and 25th place overall. Everyone rode with courage and determination. The team have some more training booked in and are super excited for the next race at the end of July.
Once again it was great to see the teamwork displayed by our Coro kid and also the parents and families who support on the day. Many thanks to Megan and Larry Resch for their continued support of our school Pedal Prix programme. Endless hours of volunteer training provides our kids with a great opportunity to learn, grow and achieve.

Next week you will receive a school report for your child providing information about student learning progress, engagement, achievement, effort and future directions. Please spend some time discussing this report with your child/children to celebrate their growth and explore goals for future learning.
At Coromandel Valley Primary School we aim to provide learners, parents and caregivers with feedback about learning progress and achievements. We use a range of methods and formats to regularly report - informal, formal, written and oral.
Reporting on learner progress will include the following:
- Information about teaching and learning programs and student achievements are shared through school newsletters, student portfolios on SeeSaw, and showcased at Sharing Assemblies each term.
- Three way discussions in term 1 and student led conferences in term 3 provide the opportunity to discuss progress and goals.
- A written student report in terms 2 and 4 which provides a summary of student achievement outcomes in each learning area aligned with the Australian Curriculum achievement standards and IB criteria.
- Additional reports on aspects of literacy and numeracy achievement through NAPLAN testing for students in Yr 3,5 and 7 and PAT (Progressive Achievement Testing) reading and mathematics
Liz Pelling
George - Thinker | Emily - Reflective | Jay - Communicator |
Ella - Communicator | Ellie - Principled | Aurelia - Thinker |
Jackson - Reflective | Jiya - Communicator | Riley - Caring |
Toby - Knowledgeable | Jasper - Open Minded | Freya - Balanced |
Indi - Thinker | Flynn - Communicator | Brock - Thinker |
Aamina - Caring | Emily - Thinker | Isla - Knowledgeable |
Mia - Communicator | Poppy - Knowledgeable | Charlotte - Reflective |
Jess - Open Minded | Ella - Balanced | Hudson - Thinker |
Kalem - Thinker | Kade - Principled | Ava - Caring |
Hidde - Balanced | Maddy - Communicator | Tia - Reflective |
Charlie - Caring | Finlay - Thinker | Jasmine - Knowledgeable |
Ava - Communicator | Chi - Open Minded | Ruby - Thinker |
Millie - Thinker | Emily - Reflective | Jacob - Communicator |
Tabitha - Thinker & Communicator |
Due to Industrial Action on July 1st, our Monday morning assembly will now take place on Tuesday morning July 2nd, in the Gymnasium.
Grandparents and other special people are invited to our school in Term 3 on Friday 23rd August. We will start the day at 8.45 am visiting classrooms, move outside for our Book Week Parade and then enjoy a Book Week Concert in the Gym.
All the children and staff will be dressing up as their favourite book characters.
Sheralyn Robertson
Cinquain poems – have 5 lines, the 1st and last line have 2 syllables, the 2nd has 4, there are 6 in the 3rd and 8 in the 4th
Nice and crazy
Helps me if I am stuck
Airlie is always there for me
Best friend
By Jaymie
Sweet and yummy
I love its milky taste
As it finds its way into my
By Ela
Lime LEMON and APPle are YUMmy
They FEEL so GOOD in my TUMmy
I PICK them off some trees
Nothing can ever stop the bees
Getting me and making me FUNny
I was riding my dog home from school one day
Then a speeding car suddenly got in the way
Along came a stranger
He sensed the real danger
Then he ran really far far away
By Jemima
By Jackson
Over the past semester, our Yr 7 students have been exploring the different elements of Art. They were asked to connect with, and capture, an aspect of nature and represent this within their Art work.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Hawthorndene and Coromandel Valley Primary Schools enjoyed a local nature play excursion together in Week 8, Term 2. This excursion gave students an opportunity to connect with each other and supported their sense of belonging, identity, culture and country. We look forward to continuing this connection with Hawthorndene Primary students.
Kylie Gardner

9 students from Coromandel Valley Primary School - Cian, Daniel, Dylan, Ewan, Finn, Jackson, Jake, Maggie & Micah - recently competed at the Southern Zone interschool chess tournament, where 59 students from 6 schools took part.
The Southern Zone is very competitive, and with our Year 7 players away on camp, we had a much younger team than other schools. But the Coro team did exceptionally well, leading in the early rounds before slipping to 4th place mid tournament, but having some great results over the last 2 rounds to finish in equal 2nd place, and gaining the bronze medal on a countback.
We had some excellent individual results, with 6 of our 9 players, either equalling or beating their previous personal best scores. The highlight of the day however, was Finn who scored 6 wins from his 7 games, which equalled the best for the tournament, giving him 3rd place overall, Finn as a Year 1 student is just 7 years old, and was beating much older opponents. A great effort!
Congratulations to all of our players for representing our school so well.
Huge thanks to Opal Greenwood & Kerri Coghlan for assisting with transport - without your help, Coro would not be able to take part.
The Chess Club continues to meet on Monday lunchtimes, and anyone is welcome to come along. It would be great to see some new faces.
David Shaw
Every Monday we have a lunchtime activity group that allows students to either do some making, colouring or creating with Lego. We meet in the OSHC building and all students are welcome.
It’s a fun time of chatting and seeing some very creative ideas! Thanks to Monika (social work student) who has run some special craft activities this term with the students.
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker

Wow, only 1 week left in our Parents & Friends 10c Tuesday Pizza Lunch competition. Which class will it be that raises the most money & has a perfect pizza lunch supplied for free? 2M is currently in the lead, but you never know if they might suddenly be overtaken in the last week!!
Last chance Tuesday week 10!! Winners to be announced on the last day of term.
As you know we are continually working on ways to encourage our students to play outside. To help us, it would be great if you could collect items for our nature play and loose parts program. We have provided some pictures below to give you ideas. Please bring any donations to the front office.
Thank you.

Last Thursday, girls from year 3 to 7 had the opportunity to do a football clinic hosted by the girls from year 9 to year 11 from Blackwood High School, who are part of the girls Football Program.
They taught us how to pass, kick and how to pick up a ball properly.
They taught us that how to pass the ball is by putting your hand in a fist ( put your thumb outside of your fist) then swing it in your hand to pass the ball. They also taught us how to kick a ball by pretending the ball is a face and put your hand around the ears and then put your thumbs on the eyes after you have done that, then you drop the ball and point your foot so it does far and not just go up. They decided to show us how to pick up the ball from the ground. One way to pick up a ball is by putting your hip to the side and keeping your head down so you don’t get hurt.
We had a lot of fun learning new skills and techniques from these amazing girls from the Blackwood High School Football Program.
Year 6 Mueller
Maggie & Eilwen
The Coromandel-Belair United Senior soccer team played four short matches at the Southern Districts Junior Soccer Association's Charity Carnival on 17 June. Although only able to field 10 players we proved tough opponents against teams from Brighton, Seacliff, Happy Valley and Sunrise Marion to end the night with a win (1-0), a loss (0-1) and two draws. Importantly the players had a lot of fun (on and off the field) and showed great team spirit and sporting conduct. Congratulations to the players who took a risk and tried new positions. Danny (Coromandel) and Karina (Belair) scored goals while our goalkeepers (Alex, Angus and Joe from Coromandel) worked hard to effectively defend the goal-line.
Sally Smith
Seniors Coach