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Dear Parents/Caregivers,
It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of the first term. We have achieved many great things over the past 11 weeks and I would like to thank Staff and Students for all their efforts towards learning and extracurricular activities.
It was great to see so many familes attend 3 way discussions over the past two weeks and wonderful to observe the confidence displayed by students in presenting both their achievements and newly identified learning goals.
This term we have enjoyed:
- Yr 6 & 7 aquatics at Pt Noarlunga
- Yr 3, 4 & 5 swimming
- Dental visits to the school
- FYI missions for all classes around student wellbeing
- Harmony Day and an awesome photo of the whole school
- National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
- Bike Education - Ride a Bike right for Yr 1/2 classes
- 3 Way discussions
- Growth and Development for Yr 5, 6 and 7 classes
- The rejuvenation of the vegetable garden
- The Nature play area continues to develop
- Sports Day
- Lacrosse carnival, with two teams winning
- Interschool chess competition
- Pedal Prix win at Mt Gambier
- and.....loads of great learning through engaging units of inquiry
On behalf of the staff at Coromandel Valley Primary school we would like to wish all families a very safe and enjoyable holiday.
Last week I sent an email to all families of Yr 3, 5 and 7 students with information about NAPLAN testing for 2019. I have attached the information sent, to this newsletter in the forms section, should parents be considering withdrawal or exemption for NAPLAN. Please do make a time to come and discuss this with me if you require further information
Tuesday Week 3 |
Wednesday Week 3 |
Thursday Week 3 |
Friday Week 3 |
Monday Week 4 |
Tuesday Week 4 |
Schedule |
14/5 |
15/5 |
16/5 |
17/5 |
20/5 |
21/5 |
09:45 |
Year 7 Writing |
Year 3 Reading |
Year 3 Language Conventions |
Year 7 Language Conventions |
Year 5 Numeracy |
Year 7 Numeracy |
11:20 |
Year 5 Writing |
Year 5 Reading |
Year 7 Reading |
Year 5 Language Conventions |
Year 3 Numeracy |
The money raised from last year’s Parents and Friends fundraising initiatives will go towards developing the Junior Primary playground area to try and contain the erosion which is an ongoing issue.
Keith Sharplin, our groundsman, will begin working on this area during the holidays starting with some paving extension to paths surrounding the JP area.
We are looking for some help to get this area started. Please let us know if you have an hour to spare on the following dates when Keith will be at the school;
Grounds Support Dates and Times
Tuesday 16thApril 8:30-3:00
Thursday 18thApril 8:30-3:00
Tuesday 23rdApril 8:30-3:00
Please phone the school (8278 3693) or send an email to Sue Matthews you can spare some time to get this exciting project started.
As the project develops, we will let parents know as we will be looking to develop and build garden beds. Giving a little time will certainly help develop this into a beautiful space for our students.

Skills and Services Register
We are keen to develop a register of parents who are able to support with grounds and other projects at the school. We would love to hear from any parents who could help us out with access to goods or services that can help to develop our school community.
Please give us a call at the school 8278 3693, send us a business card or email me if you can support in any way.
Liz Pelling
Thomas - Principled | Ariana - Thinker | Orin - Communicator |
Zara - Risk Taker | Mlly - Caring | Jackson - Thinker |
Lucy - Communicator | Corby - Principled | Tara - Open Minded |
Archie - Thinker | Hannah - Thinker | Lucas - Reflective |
Georgia - Caring | Pearl - Communicator | Tyler - Risk Taker |
Lachlan - Principled | Seb - Caring | Ethan - Open Minded |
Brock - Risk Taker | Annabel - Risk Taker | Lucas - Thinker |
Flynn - Thinker | Poppy - Communicator | Hudson - Balanced |
Amelie - Communicator | Jiya - Open Minded | Annabelle - Risk Taker |
Elise - Risk Taker | Patrik - Thinker | Abigail - Reflective |
Maia - Principled | Logan - Risk Taker | Olivia - Principled |
Emily - Thinker | Tyler - Reflective | Mira - Thinker |
Dear Parents,
School photography day is coming up very soon. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased by following the link above or by using the envelope.
Important Information:
- School photos purchased online DO NOT require envelopes returned to school*
- Don’t forget to order your sibling photos now, envelopes available from the front office
· Late fees/additional charges will be applied for purchases after photo day
- Photos will be returned to your school for distribution approximately six weeks after photos are taken
- Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups available at school’s advancedlife & your advancedyou photo sites (follow the link above)
*Sibling photographs must be ordered either online or by order envelope prior to the day of photography. A photograph will not be taken without an order. Sibling photographs only apply to children enrolled at the school..
advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Coromandel Valley Primary School for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at-
Online Order link:
During week 10, both year 3 classes enjoyed a fantastic excursion to Adelaide Oval to support our next Unit of Inquiry: Communities. This unit has a strong focus on communities as systems which provide services that meet people's different needs.
We decided to visit the Adelaide Oval to begin our Unit to give us the opportunity to see examples of buildings and structures within a community and the interconnection of services, facilities and systems which function within society. Students were also able to make connections with our Unit of Inquiry: Rights and Responsibilities by identifying individual responsibilities within a team and recognising how a team can function successfully.
Once we arrived, we enjoyed the sunshine for our recess break before beginning our guided tour around the oval in small groups. Our experience included a tour of the museum, hearing about the history of the venue, participating in sports activities in the visitors change rooms, opperating the old scoreboard and experiencing a game day simulation activity.
Dan Johnson
Yr3 teacher

The day started with the Health Hustle and Chants led by the House Captains. The Wallabies and Wombats had a great start to Sports Day, winning the points for the best dancing and chants.
Classes then moved off to the tabloid events. We added some new and popular events this year: Washing Day and Tribal Challenge II for the primary classes and Water Relay for the Junior Primary.
During the lunch break we had our chicken throwing competition for the adults. Richard Hill managed to reclaim his crown, while Sarah Harris took out the honours for the women.
After lunch, we had our championship events: the sprints, R-7 relay, captains’ relay, staff v captains novelty relay and tug-of-war.
The Wombat's won the R-7 relay, whereas it was the Kookaburra's who took the honours in the tug-of-war.
Then Captains’ Relay was won by ???? and the Captains managed to narrowly beat the staff in The Beanbag Relay.
We finished the day off with the presentation of the trophies. Congratulations to the Wombats on winning the Attitude Trophy and to the Wallabies for winning the Championship Cup.
A big thank you to the following groups of people:
The Sports Committee: Mrs Mueller, Mrs Trengove, Mr Gully, Mr Johnson and Mrs Niland for giving up much of their own time to help me with the planning, organisation and running of the day.
The rest of the Coro staff who helped to prepare their classes, set up equipment, paint lines, administer first aid, score, run events, take photos and do the multitude of jobs in the front office. Sports Day truly relies on the efforts of the whole school.
The many parents and grandparents who volunteered their time baking, cooking, serving, cleaning and assisting teachers with class organisation at the events.
Families for coming and making the day special for the children.
The House Captains who worked hard on many jobs in preparation for Sports Day. They painted wooden eggs, pinned ribbons, choreographed the Health Hustle, helped set up the equipment for the tabloid events and organised their teams for the sprints and relays.
And last, but not least, all of the children for their great sporting attitude and wonderful enthusiasm throughout the day.
Mr De Lyster
Sports Day Coordinator
13 students - Cian, Daniel, Dylan, Finn, Halle, Harry, Jackson, Jake, Maggie, Micah, Nathan, Nicholas & Sebastian - competed at the Southern Zone interschool chess tournament. It was very exciting for Dylan, Halle and Harry who were competing in their first interschool tournament.
6 schools and 55 students took part, and the Coro team did exceptionally well, finishing in 2nd place, just 3 points away from the Gold Medal. We had some excellent individual results, with Daniel our top placed player in 3rd overall with 6 wins from his 7 matches, and Sebastian, Nathan and Finn in equal 4th with 5 wins. Of our 13 students, 9 either equalled or set new tournament personal bests.
Congratulations to all of our players for representing our school so well.
Huge thanks to Tara Goeing, Opal Greenwood & Jane General for assisting with transport and enabling our students to take part. Without your help it would not have been possible to have our team compete.
The Chess Club continues to meet on Monday lunchtimes, and anyone is welcome to come along. It would be great to see some new faces.
David Shaw
Recently our boys’ knockout tennis team played its first two rounds against Scotch College and Colonel Light Gardens on the same day. Each of the players played singles and doubles matches against players from the other two schools.
Our team consisted of Riki T, Sam W, Reeve H and Lachlan B. The boys played valiantly, defeating Scotch College but narrowly losing to CLG in a game countback.
The boys all played very well and, as usual, showed great sportsmanship throughout the day.
Mr De Lyster
PE Teacher
Windless, warm and dry, Wednesday was a great day for the annual lacrosse carnival, hosted by Sturt Lacrosse Club. Coro took four teams along to play against other local primary schools: 2 Year 7 girls' squads, Year 7 boys and Year 5 boys. Whilst all the teams played gallantly, one of our girls' teams and our Year 5s, brought home the trophies.
All participating students had a great day and represented our school respectfully and with an excellent sporting attitude. The club was highly impressed with the skills displayed by our students and hope some will be encouraged to take on more lacrosse.
Huge thanks to Kristy O'Neil and Greg Brusic for coaching the teams.

Congratulations to Aaron and Josh.
Aaron recently competed in the SAPSASA swimming competition and won both the 50m backstroke and 50m breaststroke.
Josh recently competed in the State Surf Lifesaving Competition and won Bronze in the Wade in Relay and Silver in the Beach Relay.