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We would like to say a big thank you for coming to our Acquaintance Evening last Tuesday. Your participation and support in the evening was greatly appreciated. We were pleased to see so many students eagerly involved and sharing their early year learning experiences with families. Thank you also for taking the time to visit the gym and meet/chat with other school staff about the different offerings here at CVPS.
Thanks once more for being there, we’re looking forward to more opportunities throughout the year where we can all come together as a school community.
Media Consent Form – Recent changes regarding taking professional school photographs.
This week parents and carers should have received an updated Media Consent Form – Child/Student Permission to use image, video, voice, and/or creative work of students and children.
Even though many families have recently completed and returned the old form, we ask that everyone completes the new form fully due to recent Department for Education changes, regarding permissions and the taking of Annual School Photos.
If you do not complete the form or give consent your child will not be photographed, both individually or in a group class photo.
Copies have been provided in both digital (emailed) and paper format (copy given to students to take home).
Could you please complete and return the form to the school office as soon as possible so we can update our records.
COVID-19 / Illness
We are still required by the Department to report any positive COVID-19 cases. If your child displays cold symptoms, fever, headaches, etc., please test them for COVID-19 and inform the front office if the result is positive.
If your child tests positive, please refrain from sending them to school or OSHC for 5 days. (This is based on the most updated Department information.) No child should attend school while showing symptoms.
A timely reminder – that children who are feeling unwell or have cold/flu symptoms should be kept home from school until they have fully recovered and/or symptoms have disappeared. This is the best way to avoid illness being spread to others. If your child is going to be absent, please advise the school via email or a phone call to the front office.
Annual General Meeting
Thank you to all that attended our Governing Council Annual General Meeting last week. The Governing Council, together with the Principal, is responsible for the shared governance of the school and takes an active role in developing and monitoring the school's strategic directions, and development and improvement of school grounds and facilities.
The Governing Council is made up of representatives of all the major stakeholders in the school. It comprises of the Principal, two staff reps and up to 16 parent representatives. Congratulations to the following parent representatives who are either continuing or who were elected this year.
Sam Neville (Chairperson)
Andrew Redham-Wenham (Deputy Chairperson)
Ben Sanderson (Treasurer)
Chelsea Mount (Secretary)
Adam Pope
Sally Woolford
Anna Forgan
Declan Page
Janita Bentley
Laura Kool
Emma Collingwood
Candice Doman
Jay Schneider
Naomi Schuetgen
Learning to Read
Recently you may have noticed in the media a lot of conversation about the best way a child learns to read.
As I’m sure you’re aware we use a very structured approach here at Coro when teaching students about all aspects of Literacy.
If you have a couple of minutes you may like to check out a recent ABC news article from their National Education and Parenting Reporter - “Education experts break down the best ways to teach children how to read”
It was great to see our very eager brand new receptions enjoying school on their first day. We welcome all new families to our school community and look forward to sharing exciting learning opportunities throughout the year.
Scarlett | Audrey | Falani | Ruby | Marlee |
Olive | Abby | Alani | Isabelle | Poppy |
Indie | Molly | Dexter | Leo | Harry |
Liam | Billy | Walter | William | Channa |
Polly | Harriet | Sienna | Indigo | Lily |
Mara | Penelope | Ruby | Christian | Sam |
Brady | Flynn | Victor | Alden | Griffin |
Julian | Archie | Ollie | Monte | Mimi |
Gwen | Olive | Evana | Meika | Harper |
Aria | Lacey | Tahlia | Elina | Georgia |
Sean | Cillian | Jack | Harry | Chester |
Ano | Jack |
Year 1 | Edward | |
Year 2 | Benjamin | |
Year 3 | Max | |
Year 4 | Chase | Kiki |
Year 6 | Dexter |
Congratulations to the 16 students who were voted by their teams to lead them on Sports Day. No doubt they will do a great job of leading their team.
Archer - Thinker | Lennon - Caring | Jeffrey - Communicator |
Harvey - Knowledgeable | Chloe - Principled | Mason - Risk Taker |
Ashton - Caring | Amelia - Thinker | Alice - Knowledgeable |
Kai - Risk Taker | Olivia - Caring | hugo - Balanced |
Cillian - Caring | Archer - Principled | Savanna - Communicator |
Lola - Communicator | Rebel - Balanced | Lincoln - Thinker |
Isla - Principled | Jackson - Risk Taker | Will - Knowledgeable |
Jack _ Communicator | Hugo - Thinker | Lydia - Principled |
Evie - Caring | Jasper - Principled | Zariah - Risk Taker |
Frankie - Thinker | Charlie - Communicator | Lily - Caring |
Phoenix - Communicator | Nyla - Knowledgeable | Max - Thinker |
Connor - Principled | Ruby - Caring | Tyler - Communicator |
Jack - Thinker | Lucas - Risk Taker | Kaydah - Principled |
Ella - Caring | Fin - Balanced | Erin - Thinker |
Hamish - Knowledgeable | Dexter - Principled | Ruby - Caring |
Hudson - Balanced | Alfie - Thinker | Eddie - Communicator |
Ava - Principled | Piper - Caring | Eva - Inquirer |
Brock - Communicator | Harry - Thinker | Mara - Principled |
Oscar - Caring | Alby - Risk Taker | Charlotte - Risk Taker & Communicator |
Cooper - Thinker | Ari - Communicator | William - Caring |
George - Risk Taker & Communicator | Halle - Knowledgeable | Magnus - Risk Taker |
Hazel - Principled | Alice - Caring | Eddy - Balanced |
Poppy - Knowledgeable | William - Reflective | Sienna - Principled |
Austin - Caring | Harvey - Balanced | Sophie - Communicator |
Esther - Reflective | Walter - Principled | Vesper - Knowledgeable |
Isabelle - Caring | Dawson - Communicator | Charlotte - Reflective |
Lilah - Knowledgeable | Harry - Inquirer | Julian - Caring |
Indie - Risk Taker | Shaani - Caring | Sebastian - Communicator |
Lucas - Caring | Lexie - Risk Taker |
During week 2, the year 6 students visited Port Noarlunga for Aquatics. While we were there, students participated in Aquatics activities including surfing, snorkelling, bodyboarding, fishing, kayaking, windsurfing and stand-up paddle boarding.
Students enjoyed developing teamwork, problem solving and risk-taking opportunities with a focus on water safety and skills development. The program was excellently delivered by the facilitators and all students actively engaged in all learning experiences and activities while representing our school exceptionally well.
On the day we were supported by Murphy, our wellbeing support dog, who assisted with supervision and program support.
Have you seen how well the garden is growing?
I wonder if you’ve noticed the signs in the garden and on the brick wall near the front steps?
Come and visit and have a close look for visiting pollinators.
We thank the students involved (R-6, including old scholars), Keith for installation, a grant from EarthWatch, Matt Macmillan and Sarah Ward for their assistance with the signage and artwork.
Sarah Todd, Science Teacher

2GT are enjoying weekly visits to the kitchen garden with Jenny, and harvested some delicious vegetables recently.

OSHC account payments
All OSHC accounts are direct debited weekly. Paying via qkr or bank deposit are no longer options for payments. Payments made via these methods will result in your payments being doubled up.