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Thank you to all students, staff and families who contributed to the great success of our Sports Day. We loved seeing our community embrace and enjoy the day – a terrific turnout in perfect weather conditions. Congratulations to the Kookaburras, winning the Championship trophy with the Brolgas taking out the Attitude trophy.
A special acknowledgement to Bernie De Lyster for coordinating the day and attending to all levels of organisation, along with the sports day committee, all school staff, canteen staff and parent volunteers for their combined efforts to make the day a successful one. A mention and acknowledgement too, to Keith, our grounds person who contributed enormously to the set up for the day.
We would like to commend all students who came along dressed in their house team colours and participated with such positive team spirit. A big ‘shout out’ to the house team leaders for the excellent leadership of their teams over recent weeks and on the day. They worked collaboratively and enthusiastically to prepare and rehearse the health hustle and team chants, which provided high levels of motivation for their team members, as well as arriving at school early on Friday to set up for the day.
Major Works
We have three major works projects that we hope will be completed this year. The first is the largest in terms of scale and cost, being the redevelopment of the path area between the library and the year 1 & 2 classrooms. This project will cause a degree of disruption across the school site; however, it will be a fantastic addition to the school grounds once complete.
The second project is a complete refurbishment/rebuild of the Turner building toilets (next to the Science room).
The third project, the replacement of large sections of roofing and guttering, has just been approved
All projects have been approved and are at various stages of the planning and tender processes. We will provide further information to our school community about these as they progress further.
Asbestos Removal
Our school site will be CLOSED this Saturday, 1st April, while a small amount of asbestos replacement/removal will be happening. Please stay off of school grounds for this day while this work is undertaken.
Exciting News - BTN coming to Coro
As you’re most likely aware, we have had some very exciting bandicoot sightings over the last two weeks. Mrs Todd has been regularly checking through the multitude of photos and video that gets recorded each day.
We are thrilled to have BTN (Children’s News program) coming along to produce a story about our success. This will most likely occur next Tuesday or Wednesday, with the episode ‘airing’ online in Week 1 of Term 2.
Stay tuned for more updates, and we’ll share a link once the episode is aired.
Happy Easter to everyone, and we hope you have an enjoyable four-day break.
Kai - Risk Taker | Eva - Principled | Archer - Communicator |
Amos - Balanced | Sophie - Knowledgeable | Alfie - Risk Taker |
Lola - Reflective | Jacob - Communicator | Abigail - Thinker |
Mehrnaz - Inquirer | Hugo - Principled | Valerian - Knowledgeable |
Jake - Thinker | Lewis - Balanced | Lucas - Knowledgeable & Communicator |
Jamie - Principled | Shravenn - Knowledgeable | Isabella - Thinker |
Eamon - Communicator | Willow - Inquirer | Janissi - Reflective |
Jacob - Knowledgeable | Henry - Risk Taker | Alfie - Principled |
Joel - Principled | Dakota - Communicator | Isla - Knowledgeable |
Mitchell - Risk Taker | Jack - Caring | Joseph - Inquirer |
Lila - Knowledgeable | Frankie - Principled | River - Balanced |
Harvey - Caring | Sadie - Reflective | Evan - Thinker |
Ciara - Risk Taker | Emily - Knowledgeable | Alice - Principled |
Ava - Thinker | Sybelle - Communicator | Julian - Caring |
Henry - Principled | Ari - Caring & Principled | Blake - Thinker |
Maya - Communicator | Oliver - Caring | Channy - Knowledgeable |
Emerson - Thinker | Olivia - Principled | Harry - Risk Taker |
Lydia - Caring | Pardis - Knowledgeable | Maia - Open Minded |
Tristan - Principled | Ashton - Risk Taker | Edeline - Principled |
Harvey - Knowledgeable | Mia - Caring | Tyler - Thinker |
Ella - Risk Taker | Lars - Principled | Evie - Risk Taker |
Aurelia - Balanced | Scarlett - Thinker | Halle - Caring |
Lawrie - Knowledgeable | Imogen - Reflective | Jude - Principled |
Ashton - Caring | Mason - Risk Taker | Shaani - Knowledgeable |
Clay - Thinker | Mason - Principled | Rebel - Caring |
The school and the church have an agreement that allows families to park around the church on school days for the specific sign-posted times.
Parking or standing next to the church building is not permitted. Please do not park in front of the chained area or on the lawn next to the hall.
Please enter the gate and move in an anti-clockwise direction to find a car park.
This car park is not a kiss and drop zone.
If the parks are full do not stop and wait in the road area as this further congests the flow of parents who wish to drive around, and use Kiss and Drop as an alternative.
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines and ask that you communicate this information to other family members who may be picking up your child.
Early dismissal next Thursday 6th April at 2:10pm for Easter.
Last day of school for term one Friday 14th April at 2:10pm.
Sports Day was a fantastic day. During Sports Day, we participated in a variety of events and had a great time. The events covered activities like running, throwing, jumping, accuracy, strength and teamwork.
To start Sports Day, everyone gathered together to do the health hustle. That followed with the performance of all the chants, seeing whose was the loudest and clearest. After all of the first section events, like the long jump, high jump, javelin and the novelty relay, we moved on to recess, where lots of parents arrived, and the canteen was flooded. After recess, we resumed our events. Our favourite activity was a relay called laundry day, where you put up and bring down laundry the quickest. In a flash, it was lunch. We had a sausage sizzle for lunch, and the canteen was, once again, bombarded.
After all that, it was time for the big event, sprints and relays. Once all the year levels finished the sprints, we moved on to relays. It was a tight race, but the Wallabies pulled out in the end. Then, it was the captain's turn for the relays. Wallabies had a successful run and ended up winning again.
Next, we had two intense rounds of tug of war, four-way and two-way, which only included eager year sixes. Kookaburras ended up winning both of them. It had all gone so fast that we were now faced with the awarding ceremony.
After all that excitement, Brolgas won the Attitude Trophy, and the Kookaburras won the Athletic Trophy. Everyone still felt happy and displayed excellent attributes of being a good sport and great appreciation. After all the speeches were given, people started to head home. This Sports Day would be in everyone's memories for at least a few years.
By James and Ayla.

The SRC executive leaders Connor, Lotti, James and Alice headed to Eden Hills P.S on Tuesday for their first partnership SRC meeting.
They met Catherine Hutchesson MP, and she shared some useful insights with the students.
Some feedback from the partnership were that our students were 'amazing'. They all engaged in the meeting, interacted with their peers from other sites, collaborated in group work and all shared some of their ideas in front of the whole group.
They should be very proud of themselves for representing their school with such a high level of respect and understanding of their responsibility.
These students will attend another three partnership meetings over the year.
Mrs Todd and the Year 6 YELP group (Youth Environmental Leadership Program) are very excited to announce they have had bandicoot sightings. Mrs Todd was so excited, she was jumping for joy! This was posted on the school facebook page, over 200 likes and shared by 30 people. Wow!
The group installed motion sensor trail cameras in Frank Smith Park earlier this term and within two days, there was confirmation of bandicoots living in the park! Dr Elisa Sparrow, an ecologist from Green Adelaide taught us how to set up the camera and the perfect location to capture sightings of this critically endangered animal.
If you happen to see the cameras on your walk, please leave them alone, as we are collecting data on the bandicoot population.
The group is also working on making posters and flyers, a puppet show for the Coro kindy, a scratch coding game and a quiz to teach school and community members about the importance of bandicoots.
Next term we will be collaborating with the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia and the Bandicoot Superhighway project to build and install some bandicoot bungalows in Frank Smith Park.

WHO? Reception to Year 6 students, individually or in a team.
WHAT? The SASTA Oliphant Science Awards are held annually in August and involve many scientific disciplines and ways of presenting student understanding and discovery. The projects will be displayed during the Science Alive weekend exhibition at the Adelaide Showgrounds.
The categories are posters, multimedia, photography, crystal investigation, scientific writing, scientific inquiry, games, robotics and programming and models and inventions.
WHERE? Once a category is chosen, students work on this project in their own time at home. If there is enough interest, a lunch time drop-in session for students will be available on Friday’s at lunchtime during Term 2.
WHY? It is a wonderful opportunity for students, though self-directed learning to further develop critical and creative thinking through exploring and applying their understanding to an area of science they are curious about. It develops their science knowledge and understanding, it shows their work to a broader audience, it motivates students to complete a project and work collaboratively with others (except with posters).
WHEN? By Wednesday May 17 Student registrations forms need to come to Mrs Todd and the entry fee can be paid on the QKR app ($11 individual, $19 group).
June 9-30 – Multimedia, science writing & inquiry, robotics and programming online submissions due.
July 27 - Crystal investigations, games, models and inventions, photography and poster entries are due.
August4-6 Open Day at Science Alive!
How can I find out more?
Scan the QR code or email
We have had a few parents not receiving emails from Schoolzine.
After discussions with Schoolzine as to the reasons. They have said that the email receivers firewall setting are set high, and to rectify this make a trusted contact.
Please contact the office if you are still having problems receiving the schoolzine emails.
Van and Corby (in Mrs Taylor's Year 4/5 class) decided to participate in the World's Greatest Shave this year. The boys shaved their heads after school on Friday, the 17th of March, and were able to fundraise a whopping total of $1875 to donate to blood cancer research! Thank you very much to everyone who supported them and for all of the generous donations they received!