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It’s hard to believe that we have already been back at school for nearly 3 weeks. It was wonderful to welcome all our new reception students, at our weekly assembly where they were acknowledged and presented with a schultüte cone as they begin their learning journey here at Coro.
We also extend a warm welcome to our new students and their families and hope that everyone has settled quickly into our fantastic Coro community.
Student Free Day – Playberry Laser Literacy
Our Professional Development day on Monday of last week resulted in excitement, deep thinking and reflection from our staff about our Tier 1, 2 and 3 Literacy programs. Tier 1 teaching occurs in the classroom, with the whole group. Tier 2 includes small group intervention, either in or out of the classroom (MiniLit is an example of this) and Tier 3 teaching involves 1 or a maximum of two students working with an educator in or out of the classroom.
All classroom staff (teachers and SSOs) were trained in the Playberry Laser Literacy system. This included a placement test that all students undertook last year (new students have completed it this year). All teachers have analysed this data, and, using the scope and sequence, decided on the best starting point to suit their cohort’s needs. For most classes, the class teacher will be delivering the program to their own class group. For some year levels and classes, the best way to accommodate students’ needs is to group them differently, so the program may be delivered by another teacher in the team.
Our expectation is that the Playberry spelling and reading program will be delivered daily and will take about an hour, at first. As teachers and students become more familiar with the routine, this time will decrease. Teachers will take an EDI (explicit direct instruction) approach, with an expectation that all students will participate. The multisensory program has built in revision lessons as well as new teaching points, and teachers will be undertaking regular progress checks. Students will use individual whiteboards, allowing teachers to check for and correct understanding while delivering the program. Handwriting, letter formation, sounding out using pure sounds, blending, reading and learning spelling rules are all incorporated into the program delivery.
Three times a year, trained staff will test student knowledge and understanding using the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessment program. This is a one-minute fluency test, designed to regularly detect students at risk and monitor the progress of all students.
Staff are very excited about implementing this very explicit and proven program.
Acquaintance Night
It was wonderful to see such a great turnout at our annual Acquaintance Night on Tuesday evening. Acquaintance Night is a great opportunity for parents to visit learning spaces, hear from teachers about the upcoming year, and of course, meet teachers and other school staff. Thank you for your attendance.
Annual General Meeting
Thank you to all that attended our Governing Council Annual General Meeting this week The Governing Council, together with the Principal, is responsible for the shared governance of the school and takes an active role in developing and monitoring the school's strategic directions, and development and improvement of school grounds and facilities.
The Governing Council is made up of representatives of all the major stakeholders in the school. It comprises of the Principal, two staff reps and up to 16 parent representatives. Congratulations to the following parent representatives who are either continuing or who were elected this year.
Continuing members: | Elected members: |
Ben Sanderson (Treasurer) | Sam Neville (Chairperson) |
Adam Pope | Chelsea Mount (Secretary) |
Sally Woolford | Eve Evans (Deputy Chairperson) |
Angelica Crabb | Laura Kool |
Anna Forgan | Emma Collingwood |
Declan Page | David Hodges |
Janita Bentley | Andrew Redham-Wenham |
Andrew Brown |
It was great to see our very eager brand new receptions enjoying school on their first day. We welcome all new families to our school community and look forward to sharing exciting learning opportunities throughout the year.
We have started 2023 with 463 students in 18 classes, with 3 new reception classes. A very special welcome to our 61 new reception students;
Evangeline | Ivy | Lily | Hazel |
Lola | Shaani | Savanna | Zariah |
Hazel | Nyla | Chloe | Lilah |
Eliza | Jessie | Holly | Olivia |
Hope | Aria | Serena | Mia |
Imogen | Heidi | Charlotte | Elliott |
Paterson | Alice | Rebel | Eva |
Ella | Ava | Max | Kai |
Max | Alfie | Tyler | George |
Jimmy | Eddie | Hugo | Harvey |
Jasper | Jeffrey | Parker | Emmett |
Eddie | Lawrie | Archie | Harry |
Hamish | Mason | Lewis | Madden |
Nitai | Archer | Leo | Connor |
Teddy | Clancy | Amos |
Year 1 | Grace | |||
Year 2 | Mia | Oliver | Talia | Lars |
Eve | Chloe | |||
Year 3 | Jack | |||
Year 4 | Penelope | Holly | ||
Year 5 | Evie |
Mack - Communicator | Sydney - Caring | Lexie - Principled |
Hugh - Knowledgeable | Wolfe - Communicator | Jasper - Risk Taker |
Lilah - Caring | Amelia - Problem Solver | William - Knowledgeable |
Max - Risk Taker | Amber - Communicator | Leo - Caring |
Elliot - Caring | Baden - Reflective | Bessie - Communicator |
Olivia - Communicator | Van - Caring | Eve - Risk Taker |
Molly - Reflective | Georgia - open Minded | Patrick - Communicator |
Oliver - Risk Taker | Beau - Knowledgeable | Quinn - Caring |
Ella - Communicator | Harry - Communicator | Freya - Risk Taker |
Alice - Caring | Freya - Reflective | Jonty - Principled |
Paterson - Caring | Esther - Knowledgeable | Mia - Communicator |
Aliah - Communicator | Grace - Risk Taker | George - Caring |
Invoices and statements were sent home with your child on Monday 3Oth January.
For the second year the state government has issued a $100 credit for each child to assist with the payment of school fees.
As per government instructions a credit has been applied to your school account for each child, the credit will show on the Statement but not on the original invoice.
If you did not use your credit from last year it has been carried forward.
When paying your fees for this year please pay the final amount on your statement. Any overdue fees from last year must be addressed immediately.
Governing Council has recommended that overdue fees be referred to debt collection.
Payments can be made by EFT (account information available upon request), using the QKR app, over the phone with a credit card or in person at the office. We are happy to accept part payments.
School Card 2023 applications
School Card applications for the 2023 school year are now open. Follow the link for information about applying for Schoolcard step-by-step flyer (PDF 93.2KB) .
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me by email at or by telephoning the school.
Introducing our 2023 sports day captains
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Looking after younger children
- Teaching the chants
- Learning and teaching the health hustle
- Preparing equipment
- Setting up equipment on Sports Day
- Packing away equipment on Sports Day
- Helping organise the sprints and relays
- Writing a victory speech
- Being a good role model
During week 2, the year 5 and 6 students visited Port Noarlunga for our water safety and aquatics experience. While we were there, the year 5 students participated in water safety and swimming while the year 6 students participated in Aquatics and swimming activities.
The year 5 water safety program included surf education learning experiences while the year 6 aquatics program included surfing, snorkelling, bodyboarding, fishing, kayaking, windsurfing and stand-up paddle boarding.
Students enjoyed developing teamwork, problem solving and risk-taking opportunities with a focus on safety and swimming. Both programs were excellently delivered by the facilitators and all students actively engaged in all learning experiences and activities while representing our school exceptionally well. On the day we were supported by several parent volunteers who assisted with supervision and program support.
“My favourite thing I did in Aquatics was snorkeling. There were so many fish under our toes, that was definitely the best bit.” Jacob H
“Aquatics was so fun, we did so many activities. My favourite ones were wind surfing, kayaking and snorkeling, it was so great.” Eamonn B
“Aquatics was fun! My favourite lesson was snorkeling, I got to experience things I never have before.” Noah
“I had so much fun embracing so many new experience’s at aquatics. From water safety lessons to snorkeling above Port Noarlunga’s beautiful reef. I loved my time!” Eli D
"I had a lot of fun. My favourite activity was snorkelling, but I also found it challenging as the tide was coming in so the waves got bigger and the water went in my snorkel!" Kaydah

WHO? Reception to Year 6 students, individually or in a team.
WHAT? The SASTA Oliphant Science Awards are held annually in August and involve many scientific disciplines and ways of presenting student understanding and discovery. The projects will be displayed during the Science Alive weekend exhibition at the Adelaide Showgrounds.
The categories are posters, multimedia, photography, crystal investigation, scientific writing, scientific inquiry, games, robotics and programming and models and inventions.
WHERE? Once a category is chosen, students work on this project in their own time at home. If there is enough interest, a lunch time drop-in session for students will be available on Friday’s at lunchtime during Term 2.
WHY? It is a wonderful opportunity for students, though self-directed learning to further develop critical and creative thinking through exploring and applying their understanding to an area of science they are curious about. It develops their science knowledge and understanding, it shows their work to a broader audience, it motivates students to complete a project and work collaboratively with others (except with posters).
WHEN? By Wednesday May 17 Student registrations forms need to come to Mrs Todd and the entry fee can be paid on the QKR app ($11 individual, $19 group).
June 9-30 – Multimedia, science writing & inquiry, robotics and programming online submissions due.
July 27 - Crystal investigations, games, models and inventions, photography and poster entries are due.
August4-6 Open Day at Science Alive!
How can I find out more?
Scan the QR code or email
We are looking for volunteers to help run our uniform shop.
The uniform shop relies on parent support, without volunteers we will be unable to continue to offer a shop service. No experience is necessary, the role can be shared to lighten the load.
Please feel free to contact the office if you’d like to know what is involved.