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We have received information that several students at CVPS are confirmed to have COVID. They are fine, and isolating 10 days from when they had their positive PCR tests.
All families, whose children were 'class contacts' have been notified. These students and staff members continue to attend school.
A reminder that any student (or staff member) who develops any symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting or extreme tiredness, at school, will go to the office immediately, to be sent home.
From Monday (28 February) until the end of Week 8 (25 March) the following can resume:
In schools
- Day excursions and incursions (held outdoors where possible). Please note that some excursion venues may have vaccination requirements.
- Interschool sporting competitions.
- Extra-curricular activities at the school, including choirs, band practice, instrumental lessons attended by a non-school employed music teacher.
- Assemblies that are held outdoors.
- Prospective parent tours held in a COVID safe manner (eg attendees wearing masks when indoors, with social distancing).
- Playgroups, OSHC excursions and incursions (held outdoors where possible).
Visitors in schools and OSHC can include:
- attending the school for specific events held outdoors (eg: spectators attending outdoor sporting games)
- volunteers required by the school
- instrumental music teachers
All adult visitors must wear a face mask when indoors, practise physical distancing, and not attend the site if they are unwell. Visitors attending indoor venues to continue to be minimised.
COVID-19 settings that remain in place:
- Face masks continue to be required (when indoors) for:
- all adults, except when it impedes ability to teach
- Face masks are strongly encouraged for students in years 3 to 6 (when indoors).
- Current testing, isolating and quarantine remains unchanged, including classroom contacts.
- Non-SACE related overnight camps continue to be postponed.
For the past couple of years we have live streamed our assemblies, whether these be from the gym, classroom, and from next week, the green courts!
With current COVID Restrictions we can hold the assembly outdoors (weeks 5-8 weather premitting). This will allow 2 things; one, the Year 6s can present the new receptions with a welcome gift and family members are able to attend.
The Assembly will begin shortly after 9am, physically and virtually (A link will be send Sunday night). If attending phyisically please remember to wear a mask, scan the QR Code, socal distance and please do not come onto the green court. You will be able to see and hear from the ramp or from the eastern side of the court.
Eliza - Communicator | Isla - Caring | Harvey - Principled |
Holly - Risk Taker | Freya - Thinker & Reflective | Peyton - Communicator |
Baden - Principled | Ollie - Inquirer | Chi - Thinker |
Eddy - Caring | Vilja - Risk Taker | Charlotte - Principled |
Isla - Communicator | Mitchell - Principled | Maddie - Inquirer |
Austin - Knowledgeable | Len - Thinker | Sienna - Risk Taker |
Mehrnaz - Risk Taker | Emily - Caring | Archie - Caring |
Aislin - Caring | Sienna - Principled | Thomas - Communicator |
James - Principled | George - Caring | Ashton - Principled |
Esther - Knowledgeable | Amber - Risk Taker | Miles - Caring |
Spencer - Principled | Liam - Caring | Griffen - Risk Taker |
Ethan - Caring | Oscar - Principled | William - Principled |
Leo - Knowledgeable | Will - Caring |
We have begun the first year of our new 2022-2024 Site Improvement plan, continuing a focus on Numeracy, Writing and Thinking. Whilst some of our aim is on High Band retention and achievement, the actions detailed in our plan for 2022 will provide opportunities for staff to develop goals with all learners. You can find a copy of our current Site Improvement plan on the school websit,e however the visuals below provide a summary of our challenge of practice, targets and actions for this year.
Last year, some students from years 3-7 sat the ICAS tests, one of which was a Writing test. Unfortunately, the certificates for these students arrived at school after the children had left for the year. However, on Monday last week, we were able to present the certificates in person. Congratulations to:
Logan Jones - Participation
Lily Zweck - Participation
Finn Fleming - Participation
James Arkwright - Distinction
Connor Patten - Participation
Nicholas Jones - Credit
Joseph Schober - Participation
Daniel Schober - Participation
Harry Gardner - Participation
Biance Webster - Participation
Ella O'Connor - Participation
Growth & Development Family Evening on Tuesday 15.3.21.

The session is conducted by Kidz Biz Education and is designed to be fun, informative and easy to understand. This highly interactive session will provide students and their parents / care providers with an introduction to basic personal and social development education; traditionally known as the ‘facts of life’. Facilitators of these sessions actively work to create a non-threatening and safe environment for participants.
What’s Happening To Us” (suitable for Year 5 and 6 students)
- Name and discuss basic female & male body parts of the reproductive system
- Explain the physical & emotional changes during puberty, including menstruation, pads & tampons, sperm production, wet dreams etc
- Discuss ways to improve self esteem and body image
- Discuss the impact media has on body image including photoshopping
- Looking at ways of getting along with parents including being reasonable and learning to negotiate
All adult visitors must scan the QR Code, wear a face mask when indoors, practise physical distancing, and not attend the site if they are unwell.
The duration of the session will be approximately 50 minutes: Commencing at 6.00pm and concluding at 6.50pm. This session will be in the library.
At the end of the session, a list of recommended and age–appropriate books for both students and parents will be provided or alternatively they can be downloaded from the Kidz Biz website.