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Dear Families,
As we draw towards the end of another busy school term it is always good to reflect on the many great learning opportunities that occur in our school. Here are some key events from term 3:
- JP Dance concert
- Bookweek parade
- Music concert
- Festival of Music performance
- SAPSASA knockout sports
- Athletics Day at the SA sports stadium
- Science week activities
- PAT testing
- SIP showcase
- Chess competition
- Jump rope demo at Clarendon
- Student Action Groups
- Murphy our therapy assist dog
Thanks for your ongoing support.
This week we have provided families with a pack of student work samples to conduct a student led conference at home, along with some guidelines to support the process. For those who are new, or have not seen this process take place at school, the focus is on students presenting their learning, sharing growth and challenges, and developing goals for the future. The process is almost entirely student led with the teacher available to support if required. We would like to thank you for supporting the 'home' student led conference and responding with parent reflection. If you require further information or clarification please contact your child's classroom teacher to organise a phone call or interview. We appreciate that COVID-19 restrictions have impacted opportunities to connect with parents but want you to know we are more than happy to receive emails or a phone call to discuss any concerns.
Our NAPLAN results have arrived with some excellent growth displayed. We have seen improved high achievement in Yr 3 writing, Yr 5 reading and Yr 7 Numeracy. Tomorrow Yr 3,5 and 7 students will bring home an envelope containing NAPLAN results. Should you wish to discuss the results please contact your child's classroom teacher to make an appointment.
We are currently noticing some students wearing clothing that does not comply with our uniform policy. Sports jumpers can only be worn if students represent within a school sport and may only be worn for one week after the event. Beanies can be worn to and from school, but not in the classroom, and should be plain school colours. Please find the policy attached for your reference. With increasing UV, hats will be required to be worn at both recess and lunch time in Term 4.
There is a mountain of lost property handed in and we are very keen for parents to come in and search for lost items. Much of the clothing is not named which creates a real headache for staff. Can you please make sure all items of clothing are named. Come and have a look and if you think it might be yours we are very happy for you to take clothing.
Next Thursday and Friday, between 9 and 10, Jenny Tucker will put lost property out near the green court and parents are invited to come in to look through items.
Last week we officially welcomed Murphy to our school community. She has been visiting all of the classrooms and also visits in the yard at recess and lunchtime. Working in the school is very tiring so she has required rest breaks throughout the day. She has made some great connections with students as we learn how she can support our wellbeing and learning. We have some rules that need to be followed when we are working with Murphy.
Murphy has the necessary training, insurance and risk assesment to safely be onsite at our school. Families are reminded that all other dogs are prohibited from entering the school grounds.
During the school holidays the St John's church carpark will be resurfaced and upgraded. The work will commence on Monday 27th September and should be completed by the end of the week. As part of the upgrade, there will be new signs erected and importantly a change of direction for cars entering the church grounds. Drivers will be directed to turn left on entering and travel in one direction only, clockwise, through the carpark.
Short term parking for drop off and and collection of students on the side closest to the school will be angle parking only, in marked parking bays, and there will be a disabled parking bay in this area, opposite the church. Signs for car park usage time for school drop off and pick up will be erected.
In consultation with the Department for Education these times are 8:15-9:30am and 2:45-3:45pm.
There will be an early dismissal on Friday 24th September, the last day of term 3. School will finish at 2:10pm.
Last week all of our Yr 4-7 students listened to a SAPOL presentation to inform them about ways to stay safe whilst online. It was a good opportunity to explore laws regarding social media and consequences for breaching these laws. Our students asked thoughtful questions regarding online behaviour particularly in relation to sending and sharing images and bullying online. This was followed by a parent information session which also included excellent discussion around how to support our young people to stay safe whilst online. If you missed this opportunity you may like to look at the resources linked below.
Adeline - Principled & Caring | Miles - Knowledgeable | Finn - Thinker |
Ava - Caring | Ethan - Communicator | Mitchell - Reflective |
Charlie - Reflective | Eddy - Caring | Jamie - Balanced |
Rhys - Knowledgeable | Mackenzie - Principled | Bethany - Communicator |
Indra - Communicator | Frederik - Knowledgeable | Reuben - Knowledgeable |
Willow - Balanced | Isla - Reflective | Liam - Reflective |
Ryker - Knowledgeable | William - Communicator | Eva - Principled |
Maia - Reflective | Siham - Caring | Heidi - Knowledgeable |
Seb - Communicator | Freya - Principled | Michael - Reflective |
Levi - Knowledgeable | Luka - Knowledgeable | Fletcher - Communicator |
William - Principled | Sienna - Inquirer | Oliver - Principled |
Harry - Caring | Lyly - Communicator | William - Knowledgeable |
Sebastian - Knowledgeable | Winston - Principled | Olivia - Thinker |
Amarlie - Reflective | Piper - Caring | Vale - Balanced |
Scarlett - Thinker | Elliot - Inquirer | Lincoln - Knowledgeable |
Eliza - Communicator | Sienna - Knowledgeable | Noah - Caring |
Archie - Principled | Grace - Thinker | Leo - Reflective |
Amelia - Knowledgeable | Charlie - Open Minded | Ella - Knowledgealbe |
Molly - Thinker | Ruby - Communicator | Cooper - Principled |
William - Principled | Caleb - Knowledgeable | Holly - Reflective |
Cassian - Knowledgeable | Taylor - Open Minded | Henry - Knowledgeable |
Cameron - Reflective | Beau - Knowledgeable |
- Lucy Wildenauer 3rd in discus
- Brooklyn Muller 3rd in shot put
- Zara Demontis 1st in high jump
- Abigail Scott 3rd in shot put, 3rd in discus
- Vin Powell 1st in long jump, 2nd in 200m and 4th in 100m
- Alex Vandeleur 2nd in discus, 4th in shot put
Zara has been invited to State Athletics Day to compete in the High Jump.
Vin has been invited to State Athletics Day to compete in Long Jump and 4 x 100m Relay.
The Reception students have been inquiring into Sharing the Planet by learning about living things, their needs and what action they can take to care for living things in their world. A huge thank you to the team at Bunnings Edwardstown who donated seedlings, pots and potting mix which provided a hands on way for students to put their learning into action. The potted plants also made a beautiful gift for families for Father’s Day.
Thank you to Jenni Tucker, Marieke de Graaf and Michelle O’Connell for supporting the planting on the first day of Spring. We had a beautiful day for it!
The Reception Team

On Tuesday 7th September Tim and Jess visited Coro with a coach bus, equipped with VR and AR expeditions to explore planting to plate!
The two year 5 classes were able to download the app ready to engage with the Woolworths Disovery Tour exploring how fruit and vegetables are harvested and brought back to Woolworths supermarkets for sale.
We hope the bus can visit us again and more classes can take part in this exciting opportunity.

Congratulations to all those that participated and had entries in the Oliphant Science Awards for 2021. We are waiting for participation certificates for those that entered: Elise E, Lila A, Henry H, Henry M, Lily Z, Lucas T, Sahishnu M, Shravenn M and Sasha K.
Congratulations and good luck to Elise Eddey, 2P at the Oliphant Award Ceremony on Friday 17 September, where she will be presented with an award for her R-2 photography entry.
A group of 11 Coromandel Valley students - Charlie J, Daniel H, Daniel S, Elliot J, Ewan C, Finn F, Julian B, Lily Z, Nicholas J, Thomas M, Tilly G - recently took part in the Term 3 Southern Zone Primary Schools Chess Tournament.
6 schools and 85 students took part in the tournament, with the Coro team competing extremely well, leading for the first 3 rounds, and sitting in 3rd place going into the 7th and final round. After every player had played their 7 games, the Coro team ended up on a score of 19, drawing with Prescott College for 3rd place. Unfortunately, Coro were relegated to 4th place on a countback, missing out on a medal position.
We had some excellent individual results, with Daniel H, Daniel S and Ewan, all winning 5 of their 7 games. Lily won 4 of her games and was the equal highest female competitor of the tournament, but missed out on the Best Female Trophy on a countback. 7 of our 11 competitors either equalled or beat their personal bests. Well done to Elliot and Nicholas who were competing in their very first chess competition. Congratulations to all of our students for competing so well and showing great sportsmanship on the day.
Huge thanks to Jeff Zweck for once again assisting with transport and enabling our students to take part. Without your help it would not have been possible to have our team compete.
The Chess Club continues to meet on Monday lunchtimes, and anyone is welcome to come along.

On Friday 17 September, community radio station 1079 LIFE is will be Broadcasting Live from our school between 1-3pm! Scott Curtis of 1079 LIFE will be talking with Mrs Pelling, other school staff, parents and students to showcase our school community and everything great that makes our school great. They will also focus on the role of Jenni Forder, Pastoral Care worker, in our school community.
Set your dial to 1079LIFE on Friday afternoon and listen in!
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
The seniors team comprised both year 6’s and 7’s in their final season of school sport. Will, Jacob, Charles, Elliot, Daniel, Romeo, Jett, Sonny, Flynn, Angus, James, Alex and Samuel have had a fantastic season for their final year of soccer for CVPS, winning more games then they lost. They have played well as a team and developed their soccer skills thanks to the brilliant coaching of Steve Sheehy and Judy Rathjen.
Thank you to Kate Merritt and Nikki Maas for coordinating a smoothly-run soccer season.
The 2021 CVPS Soccer season was a great success! With over 80 kids playing in 8 teams is meant for some bust Saturday mornings at Frank Smith park but it was wonderful to see so many happy faces out there.
This year we fielded under 7 teams for the first time and the year 1’s embraced the opportunity and had a great experience thanks largely to Jen, Dylan and Cassie for making it so much fun! The U8’s also enjoyed their first season of school soccer and with the super duo of Adam and Angelica leading them they enjoyed a successful season. The U9’s came out in force and we fielded two teams in this division ably led by Paul and Matt. They consolidated lots of skills and learnt more about the game in their second year. The under 10’s were kept in line by Rob and enjoyed a successful season under his guidance. Dave had the under 11’s working well as a team and sharing the load with a few kids scoring their first ever goals this year which was an awesome achievement.

Following the success of the previous rounds, our boys just played their last minor round match of knockout netball, where they continued to show what a talented and cohesive team they are. They disposed of Westport with a comfortable 43 – 20 goal win.
We now look forward to the finals, to be held on September 17 at Priceline Stadium!
There we will play a round robin tournament against three other undefeated schools. The best two teams will then immediately play in the grand final to determine who the state knockout champions are. As the reigning champions, we are hungry to defend our title and become back-to-back champions. Go Coro!
Inevitably, all children will at some point go through the ups and downs of friendships. Here is a link to an article about helping your child to develop positive friendships. At the end is a factsheet with advice on handling common friendship problems. They are definitely worth a read.
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
Is your child interested in playing school cricket this year? The Sports Committee is very keen to support the continuation of our out of school hours cricket for boys and girls at CVPS, however we currently find ourselves in the difficult position of not having a cricket coordinator.
Out of school hours sport relies on parent support, and without a co-ordinator we will be unable to continue to offer cricket as a summer sport option at our school. Please consider joining our friendly group of sports volunteers! No experience is necessary, and the role can be shared to lighten the load. If you’ve ever wondered how you can get involved and meet a fantastic group of like-minded parents, now could be the perfect time
Please feel free to contact the office or email Mike Shaw ( if you’d like to chat about what’s involved.