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- BOOK WEEK 2021
After an interesting start to term 3, our students have quickly settled back into some solid routines. I would like to thank staff, students and parents for making the week of home learning a success. I know for some the pressure was high and your efforts to support learning were highly valued. Thank you to families for respecting and adhering to the ongoing COVID-19 guidelines re masks and limited access, your cooperation is appreciated. We will continue to provide you with links to assemblies and events where possible.
Pupil Free Day
On the first day of this term our staff worked alongside teachers at Belair primary school to discuss Writing, Mathematics and Inquiry learning.
The day started with a presenter fromn Brightpath talking to staff about how to improve cohesion within writing. Staff had an opportunity to explore how this could be done after moderating work samples.
The next session focused on mathematics, inparticular problem solving ideas and task design. This was followed by an opportunity to compare units of inquiry with particular attention on Humanities and Social Science, ensuring that we carefully embed Australian curriculum content and assessment into our units.
Our SSO's connected at Belair Primary School where they learnt more about supporting students with speech and language difficulties.
Our specialist teachers connected with other specialists from partnership schools at Blackwood Primary school to explore the languages, Physical Education, Sciences and Performing Arts. All found this useful in developing effective approaches to deliver the Australian Curriculum.
Staff found the opportunity to connect worthwhile and came away with new thinking for teaching and learning.
In line with our Sun Smart policy students are required to wear their hat at lunch time as the UV increases to above 3. Even on cloudy days students are susceptible to sun damage at that time of the day so hats on for full protection. Students do not need to wear their hats at recess time. This allows for some Vitamin D in the system!
2022 Enrolment
We are well into the process of looking at class structures for 2022. If you have a child who will be starting school next year can you please make sure you have completed the registration of interest form below and return to the front office. If you know anyone who is still considering a place for next year can you also encourage them to speak to the school if interested. registration of interest form.pdf
The 2021 parent survey is now open.
Parents and caregivers of school-aged children and young people are invited to complete the survey, which takes less than 10 minutes.
This survey gathers information from parents and schools across South Australia. It gives a broad picture of how parents engage with schools.
The department coordinates the survey centrally. This avoids adding administrative workload on your child’s school.
Completing the survey
You would have received an email on Monday with a unique link to complete the survey.
The survey will ask about how you perceive your child’s school, including how well the school:
- supports your child’s learning and wellbeing
- communicates with you and your child.
The survey closes Sunday 29 August.
Toby - Reflective | Hugh - Knowledgeable | Sienna - Principled |
Sienna - Caring | Hannah - Thinker | Flynn - Open Minded |
Reuben - Balanced | Theo - Principled | Emily - Communicator |
Aerin - Thinker | Henry - Risk Taker | Cody - Reflective |
Archer - Reflective | Georgia - Communicator | Molly - Balanced |
Max - Knowledgeable | Miles - Carig | Flossie - Thinker |
Griffen - Thinker | Freya - Principled | Asher - Reflective |
Aliah - Communicator | Izzak - Balanced | Alice - Caring |
Brock - Principled | Jake - Reflective | Ellie - Knowledgeable |
Ruby - Caring |
We are celebrating the love of stories again this year! The students have been voting for their favourite books from the shortlisted collection that was selected by the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia).
The theme for this year is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’.
During this term, students in years Rec – 3 will enjoy a Book Week performance at school. All students will also have the opportunity to ‘virtually’ listen to different authors talk about their books and the process of writing stories.
Students and staff will be dressing up as their favourite character on Friday 27th August. At this stage,the parade will be live-streamed, and a link will be sent out for you to enjoy too. Hopefully everyone is thinking about the costumes that they will wear!
This year, we will again join in with some Mitcham Library fun. Some classes have chosen to participate in creating a piece of artwork celebrating Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. Mitcham Library have kindly given us large canvases to create each classes’ masterpieces on. All of the creations will be displayed at school during Book Week, before being exhibited down at the Mitcham Library. I can’t wait to see what each class create!
Announcing an Amazing Literacy Opportunity
Is your child a keen writer/ drawer and aspires to be an author and/ or illustrator????
Does your child love reading and would love to hear a famous Australian author and illustrator speak????
If you answered yes to either of these questions, there is an awesome opportunity coming up at Immanuel College in October.

If you are interested in learning more and booking a ticket, check out the link below. Make sure to check it out, as tickets are going fast and it looks fabulous!
Michelle O’Connell
Teacher Librarian
Earlier in the year, a few teachers attended the Reconciliation Day Breakfast. While there, we were fortunate to see a stunning painting created by Sally Scales to commemorate the event. We bought a copy and it is now framed and has pride of place in the library for everyone to enjoy. I think you will agree, it is an amazing piece!
Sally Scales is a Pitjantjatjara woman from Pipalyatjara in the far west of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in remote South Australia. She has played an enormous part in supporting Indigenous Artists and was a fundamental person in setting up the APY Gallery in both Sydney and Adelaide. Our local gallery (located in Light Square) offers a range of artworks for sale by senior and emerging Indigenous artists. Maybe you might like to go and look at the amazing artwork with your family sometime.
At Coromandel Valley Primary School, inquiry learning underpins everything we do. From the play-based learning approach in Junior Primary classes, and students developing and pursuing their own questions during inquiry lessons, to students engaging in their Student Initiated Projects in Years 6/7. Inquiry learning encourages students to take ownership, pursue personal interests, solve problems and develop the skills required to be lifelong learners.
In Week 3 the Parri Ngartu group celebrated National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day by baking wattle seed and chocolate cookies. They learned about the traditional uses for wattle seed and how to toast and grind the wattle seed for baking.
I learned how to make cookies. I learned that wattle seeds come from a plant - Hannah
I learned that you can make cookies that don’t have eggs in them - Bronzyn
It was really fun because it was good for all of us to work together - Charlotte
I liked helping with the dishes - Keanu
“In 1988, the first National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day was established on 4 August. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders peoples felt a day was needed to celebrate our children, to give them confidence and make them feel special and included. The date 4 August was historically used to communally celebrate the birthdays of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were taken from their families at a young age, without knowing their birthday – the Stolen Generations.”
“National Aboriginal and Islander Children’s Day is an opportunity for all Australians to show their support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every child.”
Kylie Gardner
Aboriginal Education Teacher
Is your child interested in playing school cricket and netball? The Sports Committee is very keen to support the continuation of our out of school hours cricket and netball for boys and girls at CVPS, however we currently find ourselves in the difficult position of not having a co-ordinator for these sports in 2022.
Out of school hours sport relies on parent support, and without a co-ordinator we will be unable to continue to offer football as a winter sport option at our school. Please consider joining our friendly group of sports volunteers! No experience is necessary, and the role can be shared to lighten the load. If you’ve ever wondered how you can get involved and meet a fantastic group of like-minded parents, now could be the perfect time
Please feel free to pop into the front office or email Mike Shaw if you’d like to find out what’s involved.
Don't forget, if you want to enter the Science Week/Book Week competition, it's not too late!
Entries are due next Thursday, 12th August! Entry form - book week science week.pdf
If you have any questions see Mrs Todd or Mrs O'Connell.