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The Department for Education External Review team visited our school this week to look at how we use assessment data to improve learning outcomes for students and how we monitor our improvement strategies.
Kathryn Entwistle led this review supported by Vicky Stravinski, Dina Zunis and Danielle Chadwick. Over two days they interviewed staff, students and Governing council representatives to explore two lines of inquiry. It was a great to receive feedback around our school's learning initiatives and they found our students to be articulate, observant and insightful. Students interviewed stated they really appreciated the many opportunities afforded to them at Coro and that they felt safe in our environment.
Thank you to staff, students and parents who participated in this process. Once completed a copy of the report will be made available to staff, Governing Council and parents.
All year 6 and 7 students have the opportunity to apply for a student leader position within the school. Amongst other responsibilities the student leaders are responsible for supporting SRC and facilitating student action groups. We are looking forward to observing their ideas evolve into action and making a difference in our school.
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as our student leaders:
Community: Arianna M, Brianna M, Hannah H, Elliot J,Daniel S, Levi CK
Environment: Thomas M, Ruby J, Tayla H, Hunter F
ICT: Scott L, Charlie B, Vinnie P, Will B
Wellbeing: Ryarne W, Ewan C, Zara D, Daniel H
Literacy: Charlotte G, Clare C, Maia B, Hayley S
The Arts: Isla P, Lukas T, Heidi S, Abigail OD
Sport and fitness: Emily G, Erin B, Grey T, Harry M, Jackson M, Chelsea G
We would like to congratulate our newly elected SRC representatives. At our very first meeting we dicussed what it means to be a good leader and developed an agreement for our meetings.
What makes a good Leader?
- responsible
- be a good role model
- sharing and caring
- good communicator
- being inclusive
- making strong choices
- altruism
- being fair
- focus
- helpful
- confidence
We are very much looking forward to some keen competition for our upcoming sports day to be held on the last day of Term 1, Friday 9th April.
This year we will be able to invite families to join us for this event following the conditions below:
- 2 people per family can register to attend sports day. Younger children are included in the 2 maximum per family. An email will be sent to families next week to register their attendance.
- Visitors will not be permitted to enter buildings, gym or the hall.
- A coloured wrist band will be provided upon entry to indicate registration and covid-safe check in.
- During the sprint and championship events all visitors must remain behind a cordoned off area well behind students and teachers
- Covid marshalls will be present at the event.
Sienna - Principled | Bessie - Knowledgeable | Henry - Reflective |
Adeline - Caring | Jasmine - Balanced | Ghiann - Principled |
William - Communicator | Jaxon - Risk Taker | Dakota - Caring |
Bailey - Knowledgeable | Liam - Principled | Sahishnu - Thinker |
Tilly - Thinker | Lotti - Caring & Balanced | Jake - Principled |
Max - Reflective | Eliza - Knowledgeable | Corby - Reflective |
Jethro - Commuicator | Hassan - Caring | Hayley - Balanced |
Sebastian - Principled | Sienna - Thinker | Elliot - Principled |
Henry - Knowledgeable | Mitchell - Risk Taker | Lucas - Communicator |
Asher - Caring & Balanced | Vivienne - Caring | Ava - Balanced |
Harry - Thinker | Jonty - Principled | Matilda - Caring & Balanced |
Hamish - Risk Taker | Eliza - Balanced | Van - Knowledgeable |
Thomas - Caring | Zara - Communicator | Brock - Thinker |
Aamina - Principled | George - Caring | Eva - Principled |
Sean - Knowledgeable | Abigail - Caring & Balanced | Kaydah - Balanced |
Tyler - Thinker & Communicator | Grace - Principled | Ethan - Knowledgeable & Caring |
Sophie - Caring | Channy - Risk Taker | Isla - Communicator |
Alisha - Principled | Lola - Knowledgeable | Winston - Thinker |
Hannah - Communicator | Amarlie - Principled | Izzak - Inquirer |
Ollie - Principled |
Science Club
On Tuesday’s at lunchtime in the school kitchen Mrs Todd and some keen year 6/7 students have been running a science club.
It is currently being advertised as a Junior Primary Club (R-2), but enthusiastic students that fit outside of this bracket are encouraged to come along and act as peer mentors.
The first three weeks have been messy! Exploding bags, volcano chemical reactions, ooblek and balloon rockets, with more junior science experiments to follow throughout the term.
In terms 3 & 4 we will change the activities and aim to cater for an older audience (years 3-7).
Looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday!

Visiting Reptiles
This term the MAD/Science room has hosted two reptilian friends borrowed from the Nature Education Centre.
We have had a Barking Gecko and “Lightning” the Bearded Dragon.
Lightning has enjoyed being out of his enclosure (held by the teacher) and shared with classes to look at observable features of reptiles. We have looked at his scales, camouflaging appearance and were shocked when on closer touch his spikes are not spiky at all!
In Week 6, classes began participating in our FYI Education learning incursion facilitated by the very entertaining Richard Rowland.
During this experience, children are encouraged to become ‘junior secret agents’ as they enter his ‘top secret’ inflatable classroom to participate in ‘spy missions’ as interactive learning experiences.
The topics or ‘missions’ can include cyber safety, body systems, healthy living, relationships and many more.
The cost of the incursion is $7 and has been covered by the excursion levy.
Dan Johnson
At FYI I learnt that you shouldn’t give anyone your password. I also learnt not to use simple passwords like password. You shouldn’t give people you don’t trust your name.
Fletcher H
Today in F.Y.I I learnt that when you post a photo you don’t own it anymore. I also learnt that people have around 318 online friends. Another thing I learnt is that someone got electric shocked on the bottom purposely. I learnt that that there is a new app that helps make friends and it isn’t safe.
Lily Z
I learnt not to trust strangers online, no matter what they are promoting. I also learnt to read contracts all the way through before accepting.
Emily C

- Would you like some extra time to practice your learning in a quiet space?
- Would you like someone to help you if you have questions about your learning?
If so, join us on a Wednesday 3.15 – 3.45 in the library.
Mrs O’Connell will be there to help and support you with your learning. This is an opportunity for a set time to get your homework completed, ask any clarifying questions and/ or give you extra practice for tasks, so that you understand them better.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs O’Connell
Coromandel Valley Primary School 2021 – Reception to Year 7
The SASTA Oliphant Science Awards are an held annually in August and involve many scientific disciplines and ways of presenting student understanding and discovery.
It is a wonderful opportunity for students, though self-directed learning to further develop critical and creative thinking through exploring and applying their understanding to an area of science they are curious about.
The SASTA Oliphant Science Awards has (and continues to) engage students more deeply in science and supported them to:
- Undertake and report on scientific investigations in real life settings
- Explore their interests, skills, talents and creativity
- Develop their science knowledge and understanding
- Show their work to a broader audience
- Further develop collaborative work practices
- Motivate themselves to conceive and complete an independent project
- Involve themselves in scientific and technological discovery and the application of these processes and knowledge to themselves and their world.
I strongly encourage students to ‘take up the challenge’ and explore their scientific curiosities more deeply by entering this fantastic competition.
The Oliphant Science Awards website is an excellent resource and provides all the information required to support students develop a good quality entry. I strongly suggest that you and your child visit the website and in particular the Participant Info – Student Information section.
I am available to guide students, as I have judged the competition for several years now, and I can encourage students to produce a good quality submission. I can prepare packs for students that come and visit me with an interest will also host lunchtime sessions for students
On the following page are some basic details regarding entry requirements for the Awards, more detailed information is available on the website.
There is a fee of $10 for individual entries and $5 per person for group entries. Money and entry forms must be in to the front office by Thursday 27th May 2021. Hard copies available from the office.
Thank you for your support and please contact me if you have any questions.
Sarah Todd- Science Specialist Teacher
Student Information
The 2021 award categories are in age groups R-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and the entries are as follows-
Computer Programming, Apps & Robotics
These can be further investigated on 020-online-project-gallery
Congratulations Ethan!
Ethan, a year 4 student, participated in one of this year's Adelaide Festival productions - A Midnight Summer's Dream
Photo taken by Tony Lewis
Southern Heights and City South districts held their annual combined Swimming Carnival in week 5.
Well done to Thomas M and Samuel S who represented our school.
An extra congratulations to Samuel who picked up a third place ribbon in breast stroke.
Mr De Lyster
PE Teacher
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the ‘Peanuts’ comic strip.
- Name the five wealthiest people in the world
- Name the last five Davis Cup trophy winners
- Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize
- Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress
How did you go? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields- but the applause dies, awards tarnish, achievements are forgotten, accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Now see how you do on the following quiz.
- List a few teachers who aided your journey through school
- Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time
- Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile
- Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special
- Think of five people you enjoy spending time with...... Easier??
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. The people who make a difference in your life are the ones who care.
Who do you care about? Put your loving and caring into kind words and loving action. It WILL have an impact!
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)