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Dear Coro Families,
It has been lovely to see the return of children for Term 2 with numbers gradually increasing over the last three weeks. Currently, attendance is close to 100% and it is clear that children are thoroughly enjoying being back in school.
I would like to thank the staff for their amazing work over the past 8 weeks, developing engaging online learning and carefully balancing both home and school learning for all students in a highly professional manner. We would also like to thank our families for supporting the online learning process and keeping up with all of the communication and changes that have occurred. We really appreciate the ongoing community support.
Currently, parents and volunteers are restricted from entering classrooms and school buildings. We would ask that parents continue to use the school Kiss and Drop and leave the school premises promptly at the beginning and end of the school day. Remember that we also have other parking options closely accessible to the school; church, Trevilyan Ct, Frank Smith.
Essential service providers and Instrumental music providers have recommenced their work in the school. Dance lessons have resumed for students as well as lunchtime activities such as jump rope, chess, choir, and Pedal Prix training.
In the next two weeks our sports committee, alongside leadership, will meet to decide how we will gradually introduce sports opportunities for our children.
Playgroup is still on hold. I will be conducting parent tours for individual families around the school however will not be entering classrooms.
Thank you for your patience as we gradually resume our normal routines.
We have had to make some adjustments to our usual reporting framework as a result of COVID-19.
- A written report will be provided for all students at the end of Term 2.
- Families will have the opportunity to attend a three-way discussion in week 2 of term 3 to discuss student achievements and reflect upon learning goals.
- We will not be offering student-led conferences at the end of term 3.
As always please contact your child's classroom teacher if you have any concerns that you would like to discuss.
Liz Pelling
Pupil Free Days
We have found it necessary to change some of our booked pupil free days due to travel restrictions placed on presenters.
The following pupil free days have now been approved by Governing Council;
Monday, July 20th - Collaborative writing moderation with Bellevue Heights and Belair Primary School
Friday, September 4th - IBPYP review day
Friday, November 6th - School closure day replacing our normal show day
Monday, November 9th - Site Improvement Plan review day
These dates have been added to the current school calendar
A very big thank you to the Canto family, in particular Dylan, who laid a wreath at the Blackwood memorial for ANZAC day. It was lovely to hear that many of our families participated in the driveway at dawn service this year.

Let’s not forget to thank our fabulous volunteers
While we’re unable to hold regular assemblies and in-person events at this time, we’d still like acknowledge and thank the many volunteers who make a difference to our school community.
From the January bushfires to the current COVID-19 challenges, this year has highlighted just how much they are needed.
We miss our volunteers and look forward to seeing them back at school when it is safe to return.
Now that we have everyone back at school traffic is much heavier and we have observed some parents breaching traffic regulations. Mitcham council regularly checks school sites and will issue fines accordingly.
Please do not use the bus stop slip lane as a waiting area!
Things are getting really busy in the Canteen this term, which is great to see!
Please be aware that at this point the following items are unavailable:
- Chocolate milk
- Juice bomb (vanilla lime flavour)
- Sushi
We still have strawberry milk though, and we will let you know as soon as these other items become available again.
As of Week 4, the canteen will be open at recess time, so we're looking forward to seeing all your friendly faces over the counter as of Thursday 22nd May. 10c-$1.80 is all children need to buy a little snack or treat and it's a great way for the little ones to practise their money skills.
Also, don't forget that warm milo is on offer now that it's Term 2! Student can come to the canteen at recess time to buy a delicious warm milo for $2 ($3 if purchased in a reusable cup that children can keep). YUM!
Jodi Elliott
Canteen Manager
The Annual General Meeting was conducted at the school on 11 February after acquaintance night where Liz presented the Schools Site Improvement Plan for 2020. Members of the governing council also presented reports summarizing events of 2019. We did have some retirements from governing council during 2019 and I would like to once again thank Andrew Wright, Dominic Klemig, Justine Budge, and Leigh Powell for their contributions. As per the constitution Heidi Hillier, Ben Sanderson, and Janita Bentley completed their current two-year term and all re-nominated and were accepted for a further two-year term. We also welcomed Tara Goeing as our newest member accepted onto council joining Louise Gardner, Jayne Webster, Amanda Moore, Kate Merritt, Matthew Robinson, Naomi Hargrave, Julia Jones and myself.
The following office bearer and sub-committee positions were passed in the first Governing council meeting of the year following the AGM.
Position |
Committee Member |
Chairperson |
Daniel Zervaas |
Deputy Chairperson |
Matthew Robinson |
Secretary |
Julia Jones |
Treasurer |
Heidi Hillier |
Sport |
Kate Merritt |
Canteen |
Matthew Robinson |
Ben Sanderson |
Parents & Friends |
Janita Bentley |
Grounds |
Ben Sanderson |
If anybody would like to discuss any issues with council please send correspondence
Daniel Zervaas
Lucas - Reflective | Chelsea - Communicator | Ayla - Thinker |
Peter - Thinker | Theo - Risk Taker | Cooper - Principled |
Chi - Inquirer | Clare - Knowledgeable | Archer - Thinker |
Eli - Communicator | Charlotte - Thinker | Samuel - Knowledgeable |
Ella - Thinker | Millie - Risk Taker | Seb - Caring |
Cody - Knowledgeable | Liam - Principled | Eamonn - Thinker |
Tia - Thinker | Makai - Inquirer | Oliver - Reflective |
Jacob - Prinicpled | Chelsea - Thinker | Callum - Principled |
Emma - Thinker | Daniel - Principled | Mila - Inquirer |
Cian - Inquirer | Elsie - Reflective | Charlotte - Risk Taker |
Thomas - Caring | Charlotte - Thinker | Grace - Thinker |
Tutsi - Thinker | Siham - Reflective | Charlie - Communicator |
Isla - Principled | Aurelia - Balanced | Abigail - Risk Taker |
Taylor - Communicator | Will - Inquirer | Spencer - Thinker |
Archie - Knowledgeable | Mia - Caring | Connor - Principled |
Riki - Risk Taker | Flynn - Thinker | Allana - Inquirer |
Nathan - Principled | Siun - Communicator |

Please be aware that there has been a change of date for school photos.
School photos are NOW booked for Tuesday 30th June.
Envelopes for orders will be sent home week 7, term 2.
Due to COVID19 we have had to make some changes to the school calendar.
Please note the following, the school calendar has also been updated.
Term 2
9th - 12th June - JP swimming cancelled
26th June - no longer a pupil free day, students to attend school
Term 3
4th September - Pupil Free Day
Term 4
13th - 14th October - Year 3 Camp
19th Oct - 23rd October - Book Week
23rd October - Grandparents Day
6th November - School Closure Day
9th November - Pupil Free Day
Our choir continues to rehearse to learn their repertoire for 2020, whether it be in person or via zoom.
Our choir was joined by Cathy Lange, coordinator of the public schools music festival today. While she was connecting in from a distance, she gave us some good feedback and lots of encouraging feedback on our progress so far. Well done to everyone, was so lovely to hear you all singing together and joined by our zoomers too! ;)
While our choir realises the festival will look different this year, they are still working hard as there will still be lots of opportunity for performances.
Stacey Stutterd
Performing Arts/Choir
Welcome back to term 2!
I hope you were able to enjoy some special family time over the holidays and soak up the wonderful weather. It is lovely to see so many children back at school to start the term. For those unable to return at this stage, I look forward to seeing you when you do.
If you read countless books over the break (I certainly did!) and you would like to replenish your reading supplies, I will still be continuing with 5 books for years R – 2 and 10 books for year 3 – 7.
I have allowed extra time to return overdue books before sending out our reminder notices. I will be putting these on seesaw on the 15th May. Please try to have all overdues returned before then or come and speak to me regarding books that you have borrowed.
Change of Date
Book Week dates for next term have been postponed. We will now be celebrating the amazing books that have been shortlisted and find out who the winners are during the week of October 17th- 23rd.
This means that our school’s Grandparent’s Day celebration will change and now be held in week 2 of term 4 - Friday 22nd of October. This give you a little longer to get those costumes organised and hopefully will bring some lovely warm weather for the day’s celebrations. Please put the date on your calendar as we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Keep reading and enjoying those books!
Michelle O’Connell
Teacher Librarian
In March, SAPSASA held its 4-day Tennis State Carnival, with districts sorted into five divisions.
Our district, Southern Heights, played in Division 1 and finished a very respectable 4th.
Congratulations to Riki T, who was a member of that team.