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Welcome back to the 2020 school year. We hope you enjoyed the holiday break.
It was great to see the enthusiasm displayed by students and families as they returned to school, and some for the very first time.
We have started 2020 with 465 students in 18 classes, with 3 new reception classes. A very special welcome to our 71 new reception students;
Eleanor | Hannah | Cian | Sienna | Matilda |
Kenzi | Lydia | Molly | Poppy | Ava |
Grace | Harry | Toby | Winston | Jaxon |
Jake | Xavier | Freddie | Isaac | Sahishnu |
Hassan | William | Brandon | Finn | Griffen |
Amelia | Alice | Lucy | Annabel | Lexi |
Amber | Indie | Sienna | Bessie | George |
Jude | Cody | Oscar | Reuben | Jamie |
Wyatt | Elliot | Rueben | Frankie | Samuel |
Cameron | Patrick | Alby | Maddie | Tutsi |
Lily | Millie | Isla | Matilda | Sophie |
Indra | Siham | Georgia | Mackenzie | Archer |
Seb | Rhys | Archer | Cooper | Lucas |
Emerson | William | Oscar | Charlie | Hugh |
Jett |
and to the students who have joined our school community in other year levels;
Year 1 | Willow | Julian | Olliver |
Year 2 | Michael | ||
Year 3 | Ethan | Sasha | Eric |
Year 5 | Abby | Luciano | Daniel |
Year 6 | Scott | Imogen |
Calendar 2020
The Newsletter includes a link to the school calendar which can be found in the navy blue tool bar at the top of the Newsletter or alternatively via this link Please save to your favourites for accurate information about upcoming school events. We will always endeavour to update information and events as soon as practical.
This year we welcome Kathryn Morgan to Coromandel Valley as our new Deputy Principal.
As an old scholar of Coro, Kat is thrilled to be back on her old stomping ground. The first few weeks of school have been a wonderful trip down memory lane - running round Frank Smith Oval, trying to help the Kookaburras win Sports Day - as well as eye-opening, in terms of the improvements that have taken place since she was last here.
A strong part of the appeal of teaching and leadership for Kat is the opportunity to forge new relationships, and celebrate the diversity of learning styles and achievements.
In her spare time, Kat participates and competes in Crossfit, walks her labrador, Charlie, plays the piano and reads.
Please come and say hello if you spot Kat in the yard or wider community.
We also welcome Sarah Todd who will be teaching specialist Science to all classes throughout the year. Sarah previously taught at Woodcroft Primary school and has already established herself well within the school community.
On Tuesday we held our annual Acquaintance Night giving Families the opportunity to find out more about the our school community and the year ahead, classroom procedures, expectations and meet staff. We had magnificent weather; perfect for a BBQ and getting to know the community.
In an effort to provide Families with more information about the school, Governing Council and school staff set up information booths around a range of diiferent initiatives that we have at Coro. Most of these can be found in the new Family Information Booklet, available on the school website.
Thanks to all who helped to make the night a success.
Mat Haslett, our partnership behaviour coach, presented information to our Junior Primary Families to support successful schooling. Notes from his presentation are available in the link below.
If you were unable to make it to Acquaintance Night, please contact your child's teacher to collect class information.
We would love to hear any feedback that you have from the night.
Please email
Children over the age of 6 are required by law to attend school. Parents are to provide a written explanation of extended absences and staff are asked to follow up any unexplained absence on a daily basis.
The school regularly audits student attendance and if we have ongoing unexplained absences we are required to notify the Department for Education attendance officer. Coromandel Valley had an average attendance of 93% of students across the year in 2019.
Principals can approve exemption for up to one month. Parents must complete an exemption form prior to a child being absent if the time away from school is one week or more. An absence of over a month is to be approved by the Educational Director on behalf of the Chief Executive. Forms are available from the front office or our school website.
Students with needs, who attend regular specialist appointments within school time, must also submit an exemption form to be approved firstly by the principal and then the department. This form can also be collected from the office after consultation with the principal.
When a child is absent to attend special events, or sporting engagements the school requires a note stating specific dates.
We look forward to parent’s ongoing support in letting us know the whereabouts of their children on a daily basis if they are not attending school.
If your child is going to be absent for the day, please send a text to 0427 016 460 with your child’s name, class and reason for absence.
The school and the church have an agreement that allows families to park around the church on school days.
The agreement specifies that parking is only in the area surrounding the driveway around the perimeter of the church block. The church is a heritage listed building with shallow foundations.
Parking or standing next to the church building is not permitted. The orange cones have been placed there to prevent parking. Please do not park in front of the chained area or on the lawn next to the hall.
Please enter the gate and move in an anti-clockwise direction to find a car park.
This car park is not a kiss and drop zone.
If the parks are full do not stop and wait in the road area as this further congests the flow of parents who wish to drive around, and use Kiss and Drop as an alternative.
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines and ask that you communicate this information to other family members who may be picking up your child.
Geurang - Caring | Elisha - Communicator | Hamish - Caring |
Emily - Communicator | Harry - Inquirer | Freya - Communicator |
Audrey - Thinker | Dylan - Caring | Ruby - Principled |
Julian - Open Minded | Keanu - Communicator | Erin - Caring |
Andi - Caring | Patrik - Thinker | Corby - Risk Taker |
Lila - Principled | Amber - Caring | Mack - Communicator |
Knox - Risk Taker | Jasper - Knowledgeable | Lily - Caring |
Flynn - Caring | Maia - Communicator | Eliza - Thinker |
Zara - Communicator | Eamon - Thinker | Joel - Balanced |
Tyler - Caring |
The uniform shop will now be open on Wednesday afternoons instead Mondays.
Wednesday's 3pm - 3.45pm
Friday's 8.15am - 9am
For Year 5-7 students and parents
Date: Tuesday 25/2/19 at 6.40-7.30pm
Location: In the school library
Cost: $5 per family
‘What’s Happening To Us” (suitable for Year 5 to 7 students)
- Puberty (Physical and Emotional)
- Dealing with parents
- Body Image and Media Influences
The Year 5/6/7 students will be having Growth and Development lessons following this presentation so they do not have to attend unless parents would like them to. Parents are also welcome to attend by themselves if interested.
Growth and Development classes will occur over 3 or 4 weeks preceding this session. *Each Year level (Year 5 or Year 6 or Year 7) is catered for individually by attending different sessions with different age appropriate topics.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Thyrza Veitch
Year 6/7 teacher

I am at the school on Tuesday and Friday and my role is to:
- pastorally support the school in its aim to be a safe and supportive learning environment and so I contribute through involvement in a range of activities such as camps, excursions, and lunchtime groups, by providing support to individual students, by running sessions on Wellbeing and programs about social skills and friendship
- link families to community resources and services by providing information about support and services provided through community groups.
I can be contacted via the front office, via email ( or come and have a chat if you see me around the school.
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
Parents & Friends is an organisation of parents interested in providing much needed support for our school in various ways. They aim to develop and maintain an interest in the welfare of children at the school; to work in co-operation with the teachers; and to assist in providing equipment through fund-raising activities, such as:
- Gift stalls for Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day
- Cake stalls and sausage sizzles on Sports Day
- Special events like the Colour Explosion Fun Run
- Bed warming wheat packs
- Movie nights
- 10c Tuesday
- Garden bulb fundraisers
- Various raffles throughout the year
- Morning teas for new parents and grandparents/Book Week

Meetings are held each month and all parents are welcome to attend. P & F award each Year 7 with a book commemorating their graduation. These are presented at Celebration night.
This year we are asking for a parent representative from each class who will support with communication and class events.
A calendar will come out shortly!! Very exciting year ahead :)
Is your child interested in playing school footy (AFL) this year? The Sports Committee is very keen to support the continuation of our out of school hours football for boys and girls at CVPS, however we currently find ourselves in the difficult position of not having a football co-ordinator.
Out of school hours sport relies on parent support, and without a co-ordinator we will be unable to continue to offer football as a winter sport option at our school. Please consider joining our friendly group of sports volunteers! No experience is necessary, and the role can be shared to lighten the load. If you’ve ever wondered how you can get involved and meet a fantastic group of like-minded parents, now could be the perfect time
Please feel free to pop into the front office or call Kate Merritt on 0419 817 959 if you’d like to chat about what’s involved.