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- EARLY DISMISSAL - Friday 27th September
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Another term has flown by very quickly with so many great things to reflect upon. Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Festival of Music performance at the Festival Theatre. It is always amazing to observe the collective energy of so many public school students singing and performing in unison to dazzle and entertain the audience. Special congratulations to Sophie M who had a solo singing part in this concert.
This weekend will see our Pedal Prix teams take part in the 24 hour race held each year at Murray Bridge. They have been training so hard under the guidance of Megan and Larry, we wish them all the best for this event.
A big thank you to Janita and parents and friends volunteers for the amazing effort that has gone into supporting fundraising this year. The Colour Explosion Fun Run, held today, was a huge success. Fundraising for this year will go towards the development of engaging outdoor learning areas. This has been discussed with staff, students and in Governing Council.
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Stacey Stutterd has won the ongoing permanent Performing Arts position at our school. Stacey is a passionate educator, dedicated to providing quality music and drama opportunities for our children. It is always very rewarding to visit her classes and observe children actively engaged in their learning.
This year Thyrza Veitch has been working on an Advanced Skills Teacher level 2 application and recently received notification that she has been successful in attaining this level. Thyrza showcased the work that she has done to support the growth of Numeracy, improve digitial technology resources, support MYP learning and facilitate SRC. This recognition is a credit to the work that Thyrza does within our school.
Thank you to those parents who have provided us with information regarding enrolments.
As mentioned in previous newsletters we are currently planning for classes and staffing for 2020. Enrolment estimates are a key element in this planning. If your child/ren WILL NOT be attending our school next year (excluding the current Year 7s) would you please contact the school office as soon as possible, if you have not already done so?
If you intend for your child to commence school at Coromandel Valley Primary School next year and you haven’t yet done so please contact the school so arrangements can be made to provide you with enrolment information.
In addition if you know people whose children are likely to start at our school please encourage them to contact us soon.
The dance night extravaganza is an annual event for our school which is a culmination of dance lessons from throughout the year. Each year we come up with a theme which provides the stimulus for dance creation for our Yr 3-7 students. Part of this process involves some of our Yr 7 students creating a script to weave the dances together within a story. This year our theme revolves around " Famous Artworks". Dance Night will be held on Wednesday 6th of November and held at the Capri Theatre. Information has been sent to all parents, from teachers, regarding costume requirements fo the performance. Please contact your child's classroom teacher if you are unsure about what is required.
For those families who are new to this event, students will attend a practice at school on Tuesday 5th November and then spend the whole day practising at Capri theatre on the 6th Nov prior to the concert that evening. Early next term families will receive further information regarding rehearsals and ticket purchasing.
Dance Night is a great celebration of our children's creative team work. We will also showcase the school choir and the jumprope team.
Next week our JP students will present their dance concert on Wedneday 25th in the gymnasium. Parents are invited to attend the perfromance 11:30am.
EARLY DISMISSAL - Friday 27th September
A friendly reminder that the students will be dismissed at 2:10pm on the last day of school.

Fundraising is an important aspect of Coromandel Valley Primary School as it allows the school to provide for students above what is available through government funding. Fundraising generally occurs through our Parents and Friends committee (fun run, mothers day & fathers day stall, raffles etc) and through events run by sporting teams (BBQ's, Movie Nights, Cake Days). These funds enable the continuous improvement of our school.
Over the past couple of years the school has been able to install the play equipment in the Junior Primary area and has finally received department approval for the new kitchen to go ahead with fundrasing from 2017 and 2018.
We appreciate your support with our fundraising initiatives. Please contact the shool if you have any questions regarding fundraising.
Daniel Zervaas
Our next Working Bee will be held on Sunday 27th October from 9am - 1pm. Following this we will provide a BBQ for helpers.
We would love to see families support us with the following jobs;
- landscaping JP play area
- planting in JP area
- mulching
- weeding
Many hands make light work! Please contact Karen in the front office if you are able to help out on the day.
Mira - Risk Taker/Communicator | Grace - Open Minded/Risk Taker | Phoebe - Thinker |
Ewan - Thinker | Thomas - Balanced | Leila - Communicator |
Jasper - Principled | Eloise - Reflective | Ava - Caring |
Ryusei - Reflective | Airlie - Thinker | Kitara - Open Minded |
Kitty - Open Minded | Tayla - Communicator | Kate - Inquirer |
Lucas - Thinker | Isla - Risk Taker | Oliver - Caring |
Fletcher - Caring | Harry - Thinker | Isabella - Communicator |
Darbi - Inquirer | William - Principled | Heidi - Inquirer |
Corby - Balanced | Orin - Caring | George - Principled |
Jasmine - Thinker | Eva - Thinker | Eli - Communicator |
Jake - Communicator | Ruby - Open Minded | Hudson - Inquirer |
Ella - Caring | Logan - Inquirer | Sarah - Principled |
Bonnie - Thinker | Cassian - Principled | James - Thinker |
Charli - Reflective | Anissa - Knowledgeable |
We have finally had final approval from the department to start our new Kitchen which will be built in the Turner unit (old Art room).
We have met with the builders and work will commence on the 30th of Septmeber. For the next 7-8 weeks we will have additional vehicles moving through our school and would request that parents and students take extra care when walking across the asphalt area. The project should be ready for a grand opening by the end of the year.
Our students have been working hard in the JP vege garden clearing weeds in preparation for Spring planting. We’re now seeking donations of seeds, seedlings, pots, soil and mulch from the Coro school community. If you have time to spare and would be interested in supporting our students in the garden, or can help with donations, please let the front office know.
I’m sure you’re all aware of Woolworths ‘Discovery Garden’ promotion. Woollies are giving away one seedling kit for every $30 spent. There are 24 vegies, herbs and flowers to be collected. We’d love to receive any extras you collect to grow and plant in our vege garden.
Jenny Tucker, SSO

New Online Payment Method
From the beginning of next term we have a new way to pay school fees, uniform shop purchases, OSHC fees and Canteen orders.
You can find the application in your Apple or Android store and download it onto your device and set up your details. When you have added your profiles search for Coromandel Valley Primary School, click on it and then find the item you wish to pay for.
Follow this link to the Parent Instruction Guide -
Canteen orders must be entered through the app by 9am to enable your child to receive their lunch order for that day. It is possible to order in advance.
Please note that the existing methods of payment are all still available, you now have another choice.
School Fees
All unpaid school fees are now overdue.
Overdue account statements will be sent home next week. Please arrange payment to the school by your preferred method. If you have a payment plan lodged with the school this will continue as per the plan. If you need an extension to pay or have other difficulties with payment please contact Sue by telephone, at school or by email.
Thank you in advance for your payment.
Sue Matthews
Business Manager
Coromandel Valley PSMF Choir 2019
On Friday 13th September, 15 of our students performed on stage at the Adelaide Festival Theatre as part of the Public Primary Schools’ Festival of Music.
What a fantastic performance it was! Our Coromandel Valley students shone like stars in their bright colours. Congratulations on an entertaining and high quality night of entertainment.
Our school was also represented by Sophie M who was selected through audition process to perform a solo to ‘When I grow up’ from Matilda the musical. Well done Sophie on your beautiful singing and confidence bravery to sing on your own in front of a packed Festival Theatre audience.
The Primary Schools Festival of Music, an official state icon, is a public school-based music education program which is a collaboration between the Department for Education and the SAPPS Music Society, which gives all SA public primary students the opportunity to perform at a prestigious venue.
The commissioned work was entitled “Dear Pen Pal” which was a series of songs composed by local musician Robyn Habel about Adelaide’s sister cities and having a pen pal. The concert ended with a spectacular sea of colour.
During the concerts there were a number of Guest Artists from public primary and secondary schools, other choir items that presented different musical genre, and two pieces that specifically showcased the talents of the orchestra.
It was a spectacular event that our students enjoyed being a part of.
I would encourage any students from years five to seven, who are passionate about singing, acting, dancing and instrumental playing to become involved in the Festival of music in 2020! For more information, please see Stacey or email
Coromandel Valley recorder students perform at the Festival Theatre
As part of the Festival of Music, some recorder students took part in a foyer concert on Monday 16th September at the Festival Theatre, together with Happy Vally and Hawthorndene Valley Primary Schools. A number of parents and friends supported the performers
Congratulations to: Dylan B, Thomas C, Lotti E, Taylor H, Tyler M, Liam Q, Lucas T, Nicholas W and Jacob W.
Jan (recorder teacher)
In Week 6 students from Coromandel Valley Primary, Hawthorndene Primary and Blackwood Primary visited Colebrook Reconciliation Park at Eden Hills. Their visit was guided by Allen Edwards, Chairperson of the Blackwood Reconciliation Group. Allen’s mother, Aunty Avis Gale, is a former resident of Colebrook Home. The students viewed the art installations at the park and heard Allen’s stories about the history of Colebrook home.
"Some parts were sad but it’s nice that there’s a place to go and feel happier about it because there’s lots of art work and nature" - Charlotte, Year 4
"I thought it was fun to learn about our history, I didn’t realise that some Aboriginal people went to homes together, I thought they were always spit up. It was also cool to learn about how the children had fun with knuckle bones and the tin slide" - Rhiannon, Year 7
"I liked playing with the kids from the other schools. I really liked the stories and art in the shelter" - Duke, Year 1
"It was cool how Allen explained about the stolen generation. I liked seeing the paintings on the wall and the plaques. The fire pit was cool" - Keanu, Year 4
"It’s pretty cool, I really liked the fountain. I liked Allen’s stories, some were sad but some were about the children having fun" - Owen, Year 1
Visitors are welcome at Colebrook Reconciliation Park, Shepherds Hill Road, Eden Hills (opposite Barunga Road). For more information about Blackwood Reconciliation Group and the amazing community work they do please contact Allen Edwards, 0420 579 563, or see Kylie Gardner.

Jonty – The funniest thing was the koalas because they were hungry and making funny noises.
Shelby - My favourite animals were the kangaroos because I liked feeding them.
Ella -I learnt that we need to be gentle when patting animals.
Maia- I used to think dingoes looked like dogs but I now think they don’t. I think they look like foxes.
Mack – The best thing about Cleland was the dingoes because I liked seeing them.

On Tuesday the 3rd of September the year 1 classes went to the Royal Adelaide Show for our unit of Inquiry about the process of foods. We got to complete a Farm Walk where we collected stamps and cool freebies along the way.
We held baby chicks, watched the pig racing, made rolled oats and flour, watched how a sheep is sheared and some of us got to milk a cow. We also tasted some different flavoured honey and found out how bees made it. At lunchtime we were lucky to see the Isuzu Team D-Max and the Showtime FMX.
We had a fantastic time and learnt lots of things that we have shared during our class time.
Thank you to all the parents who helped us on the day.
“I enjoyed the pigs because they were funny”. Beau 1C
“The highlight was when we crushed the oats”. Scarlett 1TW
“I discovered that pigs can get really fat” Ava R. 1C
“I saw a fat turkey and lots of piglets.” Duke 1D
“I discovered that there is a difference between a goat and a ram”. Jackson 1TW
“I discovered that cows have 4 tummies and they cannot vomit ”. Emily 1D

On the 11th September 2019, 2M and 2Z went to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. I felt so excited. I wondered what we would see. I thought we would see a lot of flowers. Thomas C
I was excited to go to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens so we could learn more about plants. I wondered if there was a waterfall with plants on it.
We went to the museum. I saw heaps of pears and apples. Some were disgusting and some were rotting. There were families like the rose family and the daisy family and the cucumber family. Joel Z
We went to the lily pad pond. We saw lots of weird, spikey lily pads and we saw real water daisies. Annabel K
We went to the Little Sprouts Garden. My favourite bit was tasting. I also liked planting a seed but I didn’t like the worms. Thomas C.
We got to eat broccoli and parsley and I saw lots of silver beet. It was so red and shiny. There was a hive. It was made out of sticks. Halle G.

Walking through the sloshy and muddy oval to the Onkaparinga River whilst dragging our paddles behind us. The river was as calm as a cup of tea and as slow as a sloth. Canoes strode gently upstream as the oars moved back and forth. Splash! the water hit us like a tsunami. Harry was like a big chomping crocodile going wild and mad. We hit the water like a brick and the cold, freezing chill rushed up our spines.
Whoosh! Fling. “It’s a bullseye,” I screamed as I loaded my dark black bow with another deadly arrows as sharp as a knife.
I jumped off the platform, zoomed down the wire clipped to a harness. Calling from below was the runner waiting for me to go to the end.
Running nervously to the instructor, my tummy was racing as I slowly climbed the ladder. Snap went the hook as I was bolted up. “How high do you want to go?” yelled the instructor. “All the way to the top!” I replied. Kids and adults pulled and heaved on the orange rope. I was getting lifted up to the sky as high as the Statue of Liberty. The countdown had begun, “3-2-1 pull the trigger.” I reached for the blueberry. Thang! the sound as you drop the height of a cliff and swing around like a crazy monkey. Screaming as my stomach rose up to my ribs whilst the wind rushes past me when rocketing backwards and forwards. Is life going to end?
My camp highlight was archery because it is my favourite sport and was an opportunity to try with actual arrows and bows. We tried to hit a target and I got yellow a few times. – Brooklyn
My highlight was the giant swing because it was fun and exciting. It was fun because I got to go up high. It almost felt like we were falling. We also got to lift other people into the air. – Charlotte
My highlight was the nature village because we got to learn survival skills and how to make forts. An amazing camp! – Ruby
My highlight was the giant swing because I am a thrill seeker and it gave me an opportunity to try something new. – Maia
My highlight was the flying fox because it was so much fun. It was also cool because we got to catch a ball at the finish, and I did. – Clare
My highlight was the giant swing. I chose this because I liked it when you waited at the height you selected for the berry to be pulled. Then you just suddenly dropped. – Zara
My highlight was the giant swing because it went up really high and it was lots of fun. – Jess
My highlight was the giant swing because of the fear of pulling the berry. You fell very fast which was scary and fun. – William
My highlight was canoeing because I got to jump in the water. – Jacob
My highlight was archery because I shot the target one time and it was my first hit. – Ethan
My highlight was the giant swing because it challenged me for how high I went. -Jethro
My highlight was the giant swing because it was really scary but also lots of fun. – Robbie
My highlight was when we went on the giant swing because it was super fun and I enjoyed the amusement of people being happy. – Ryarne
My highlight was the flying fox because it was long, but you had to walk it all the way back. – Luke
My highlight was the giant swing because I’m scared of heights and that made me fearful. I enjoyed swinging and looking around at the view. – Hannah
My highlight was the flying fox because you didn’t have to hold on to anything. It was fast and fun. At the start it was a little scary but after a while I got the giggles. -Hayley
My highlight was the giant swing because I went to the top and it was fun. – Jasper
My highlight was that we got to have a chance at choosing our groups. Lots of our activities were using different forces. It was important to work well with others and show trust. – Isla O

We recently had 9 students take part in the Southern Zone interschool chess tournament, where 7 schools and 64 students took part. Charlie, Cian, Dylan, Finn, Jackson, Maggie, Micah, Nathan & Sebastian did a fantastic job representing the school, finishing in 3rd place overall and picking up the bronze medal.
The whole team played very well, with 5 of our 9 students either equalling or beating their previous personal best scores. Maggie, Sebastian and Nathan were our best performed players, all finishing in equal 7th place, winning 5 of their 7 games. Special mention to Charlie who scored 3.5 in his very first tournament.
Huge thanks to Opal Greenwood & Marcus Read for assisting with transport and enabling our students to take part. Without your help it would not have been possible to have our team compete.
The Chess Club continues to meet on Monday lunchtimes, and anyone is welcome to come along. It would be great to see some new faces.
David Shaw
Congratulations to Reeve H and the Southern Heights Boys team for finishing equal 1st in Div 3. Great effort!
The Southern Heights Girls Soccer team enjoyed the week and, despite not winning any games, still counted it a positive experience. Well done Rhiannon C and Amy E.
Congratulations to the combined Southern Heights/City South Boys Hockey team for finishing 1st in Div 2. Excellent result!
The Girls Hockey team played in Div 1 and had tough opposition. They only managed a couple of draws but still had a great time. Well done to Megan M, who played goalie for half of the games and on the field for the other half.
Bernie De Lyster
Jasper Price recently competed in the 2019 U13 Ginsberg National Ice Hockey tournament in Erina NSW, as a member of the SA team. As a forward, he was one of the pivotal offensive skaters, scoring the first goal in their game against ACT, which SA went on to win 6-0.
(See his goal here: - 13:30 on the clock, 1st period)
Jasper plays throughout the year at Thebarton Ice Arena on the Panthers team; this was his 2nd year being selected for the SA team.

Please follow the link to the events facebook page