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Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We hope you enjoyed the holidays and have settled back into Term 3.
We have had several staffing changes this term and welcome some new people to our school community.
Due to health issues, Carol Cornish has taken extended leave from the end of last term and will remain on leave for the rest of the year. Mike Shaw will work in leadership/administration full time and we welcome Sara Harris who will work alongside Juli Bryan in the Yr. 5 class. We also welcome Sarah Ward who will work alongside Kate Trengove in the Yr 1 class replacing Carol.
Michelle O'Connell has decided to take a 6-month contract at Mimili Anangu school. Maria Drakos has been appointed to our school for two terms to replace Michelle.
We also welcome Cathryn and Joni, social work students from Flinders University, who will be with us for the next two terms as part of their placement.
Writing Moderation
On Monday, July 22nd all teaching staff attended a professional development day focusing on writing moderation using the "Brightpath Writing platform". We were joined by staff from Belair and Bellevue Heights Primary School to work collaboratively. Staff explored writing samples and engaged in rich discussions around authorial choices and conventions of writing. Through analysis of work samples, staff were able to determine teaching points for cohorts of students based on the moderation experience. As writing is a priority in our Site Improvement Plan, staff have worked with students to improve the quality of narratives, building exciting vocabulary and quality structures into the process. All students are currently working on a second narrative which will be moderated midterm. We are looking forward to noticing student growth and planning for future improvement.
Cultures of Thinking - Bialik College
Our next pupil free day will be on Monday 19th August. Staff will be attending a conference in Melbourne to support our "Critical and Creative Thinking" initiative on the school site improvement plan. The conference has a focus on redefining and reimagining education and will provide us the opportunity to explore:
- Participatory creativity
- Systems thinking
- Patterns of curiosity
- Willing to get messy
- Transformational landscapes
Our Support staff will use this time to learn more about gardening and school kitchens in preparation for our new school kitchen.
We will provide more information about our learning upon our return.
Thank you to parents who have completed our school parent survey. An email was sent to all families last week inviting you to complete the survey. We really value your feedback in helping us to develop our school into a place that meets the needs of all community members. Over 100 parents have completed this quick survey. If you have not had a chance to complete the survey you may still do so until August 16th.
Another fantastic day was had by all on Sunday, July 28th when our kids once again made their way to Victoria Park for another 6-hour Pedal Prix race.
Both teams improved on the number of laps completed from the last race, 5 more for Black Betty and 11 more for Bam Ba Lam.
Black Betty finished in 2nd place but with the same amount of laps as the 1st place vehicle but just 87 secs behind.
Bam Ba Lam rocked it with 4th place which is a stunning result.
Thanks to Megan and Larry once again for their undying commitment to the teams. Great to hear the roar of support from the Coro crew and see families actively helping in many different ways. Looking forward to the 24-hour race later in September at Murray Bridge.
Grandparents and special friends are invited to our school on Friday 23rd August. We will start the day at 8.45 am visiting classrooms, move outside for our Book Week Parade and then enjoy a Book Week Concert in the Gym.
All the children and staff will be dressing up as their favourite book characters. The Parents and Friends will be organising a Morning Tea in the Library after the Concert.
Please be aware of parking restrictions in the local area. Frank Smith reserve will be open from 8:15am to provide additional parking for visitors.
Sheralyn Robertson
Lucas - Thinker | Isla - Open Minded | Ethan - Risk Taker |
Vinnie - Open Minded | Asher - Communicator | Jett - Thinker |
Lacey - Caring | Elise - Principled | Remi - Risk Taker |
Sienna - Risk Taker | Ada - Communicator | Hudson - Inquirer |
Era - Thinker | Lucas - Reflective | Liam - Communicator |
Adrik - Communicator | Carter - Knowledgeable | Erin - Caring |
Grace - Caring | Owen - Thinker | Toby - Balanced |
Indi - Balanced | Shelby - Principled | Sebastian - Thinker |
Alexandra - Knowledgeable | Joseph - Caring | Alfie - Knowledgeable |
Flethcer - Principled | Lyly - Thinker | Eliza - Communicator |
Charlotte - Thinker | Brianna - Reflective | Claire - Caring |
Lily - Communicator | Brooklyn - Prinicpled | William - Thinker |
Callum - Risk Taker | Hugo - Open Minded | Gwyneth - Communicator |
Willow - Thinker | Henry - Communicator | Leo - Reflective |
Molly - Reflective | Aiden - Risk Taker | Hannah - Caring |
Samuel - Thinker | Eva - Reflective |
Congratulations to our amazing knockout netball team who played against 3 other schools last Wednesday. We won our games against Belair Primary School and Woodend Primary School but were unfortunately defeated by Sacred Heart College. Big thanks to Vanessa Hiser, Kristy O'Neill and Nikki Tilley for supporting our team.
Last Wednesday, two teams of Year 6/7’s competed in a basketball knockout tournament. The boys and girls both played really well. Overall the boys had a winning record of 4-2, the girls went 3-2 and tied one. Some of our key players in the tournament were Toby, Jake, Indi, Bianca and Claire.
Both teams played really well, like they had been playing together forever. Although we would have loved to have done better, all the other teams were really good and deserved to win but we put up tough competition.
Overall, the day was great and it was so much fun - everyone pulled their weight, helping in the area they do best whether that’s shooting, defending or getting the ball down the court.
Huge thanks to Nicole Brusic, Paul Johnson and Kylie Muller who were the coaches and staff, who made this happen and made the day successful.
Written by
Flynn and Indi
Thanks to our fantastic school community for supporting the last day of school gold coin donation day.
We raised $428 that will go towards our fundraising for outdoor furniture for the students. The whole school R-7 SRC met last term and decided that they would like to focus on this as a fundraiser as they want some more tables and chairs for students to sit on outdoors.
The Arts group are busy auditioning for the upcoming talent show as well as organising the Art Week activities in week 4. A big thanks to Mrs Hooper who is leading the students in these activities.
The Environment group have distributed new soft plastics boxes and other recyclable boxes to classes in our efforts to become more eco- friendly at CVPS.
The Wellbeing group have made an excellent short film on ‘Inclusivity’ and how students at our school make sure that they are being inclusive of others. Thanks to Sam Sharplin for filming and editing this.
The Community Group is helping in the school garden, designing inspirational quotes for around the school and preparing a school promotional video as well as a podcast.
Governing Council is looking for a volunteer to coordinate a future planned quiz night.
We already have a number of enthusiastic parents ready and willing to assist with what will be the social event that all parents won’t want to miss. We are however still seeking that talented person to bring those people together and coordinate the event. If this sounds like you and you are keen to support the school community please speak to Liz or Karen or eMail the Governing Council
Daniel Zervaas
Governing Council Chairperson
My name is Joni Lee and I am a student social worker from Flinders University. I am very happy to have this opportunity to do my placement at Coromandel Valley Primary School. I will be here every Monday to Thursday during term 3 and 4. My aiming is to focus on the students’ emotional wellbeing, and I will be supporting them by working with the teachers, staff, and parents to facilitate the students’ development and learning. I am looking forward to working with everyone!
To introduce myself, I was born in Seoul, Korea and raised in Sydney. I love everything creative; from art and craft, ceramics to painting!
I hope to use my creativity to interact closely with the children, as well as my eye for detail to support everyone here at Coro through any hardships or difficulties.
I am usually in Jenni's office next to LAP, and anyone is welcome to come by to say hi!'
During week 10, both year 3 classes enjoyed a fantastic excursion to the Gumeracha Rocking Horse and Toy factory to support our unit of inquiry; Play.
The learning focus of our unit of inquiry is built around the central idea that "Over time children explore and learn through play." Our lines of inquiry will explore the purpose and value of play in children's lives, factors that effect and change how children have played over time and we will also consider Indigenous, local and global perspectives of learning through play.
Once we arrived, we enjoyed our recess before splitting into two groups to begin exploring the giant rocking horse and toy shop. After breaking for lunch, the children were invited to experience the wildlife park as a provocation for our next Science Unit, "All Things Change."
Both classes enjoyed the experience and all children represented the school exceptionally well.
Dan Johnson and Katie Magarey

A grandparent has offered to organise a book collection to be donated to South Pacific schools. If you have any childrens picture books, readers or non fiction books that you would like to donate please place them in the box in the office.
Thank you