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We would like to welcome Katie Magarey to our school community. Katie will be working with Russell Cropley's Yr 3 class for the remainder of the year. Russell has been experiencing ongoing health issues and will be on leave for the remainder of the year.
Janita Bentley will be teaching in Juli Bryan's class for the next 5 weeks while Juli takes Long Service Leave.
We would also like to welcome new students and families. We hope they enjoy their time at Coro.
Sebastian - Reception Niland
Allana - Yr 1 Trengove
Flynn - Yr 3 Johnson
Zak - Yr 4 Murphy
Next week we will welcome 7, 3rd year pre-service teachers to our school from Uni SA to complete their teaching placement. They will be in the following classes:
Jessica Smith - Yr 2 Melbourne
Melissa Oates - Reception Gardner
April Perkins - Yr 1 Campbell
Benjamin Grilli - Yr 2 Zeuner
Nicholas Spencer - Yr 7 Heiser
Rebecca Fairbairn - Yr 6 Hooper
Tyson Broughton - Yr 7 Veitch
We are beginning to look at numbers and possible class structures for 2020. Families who have a child starting school in 2020 or know of a family who live in the community with a child starting in 2020 are asked to enrol their child by the end of this term, Friday 5th July.
Enrolment forms are available on our website or from the front office.
Liz Pelling
State Opera South Australia is thrilled to be working with Coromandel Valley Primary School student Nicholas Hockley as one of nine children in the children’s chorus for our upcoming production of Cunning Little Vixen.
Nicholas wowed directors in an audition earlier this year and won an on stage role in this exciting Czech opera sung in English, which explores themes of sustainability, lifecycle and coming of age. An unforgettable theatrical experience, Cunning Little Vixen is a musical celebration of nature and the cycle of life. Set in an idyllic forest, the opera follows a Vixen’s journey from youth to adulthood, where, with the help of her forest friends and a handsome Fox, Vixen faces growing up and the excitement and uncertainty that a changing world brings.
State Opera South Australia are offering Coromandel Valley Primary School families a discounted rate to attend any of the Vixen performances: 18, 23, 25 May at 7:30pm.
Family Pass $210
(2x Adult 2x Children A Res Only)
Further information:
Sophie - Communicator | Theo - Thinker | Adeline - Caring |
Soonyoon - Risk Taker | Anabelle - Principled | Ethan - Communicator |
William - Inquirer | Hannah - Reflective | Ava - Principled |
Alisha - Knowledgeable | Corby - Thinker | Kaydah - Principled |
Lachy - Caring | Matilda - Knowledgeable | Owen - Risk Taker |
Duke - Thinker | Emily - Reflective | Oliver - Thinker |
Allana - Open Minded | Logan - Communicator | Hamish - Caring |
Nicholas - Principled | Elsie - Open Minded | Knox - Risk Taker |
Aston - Caring | Archer - Thinker | Lola - Communicator |
Sienna - Knowledgeable | Eliza - Principled | Ethan - Thinker |
Anissa - Thinker | Geurang - Knowledgeable | Milan - Knowledgeable |
Elliot - Principled | Mack - Thinker | Georgia - Thinker |
Alina - Reflective | Ruby - Knowledgeable | Grace - Communicator |
Ruby - Thinker | Oliver - Communicator | Logan - Principled |
Eli - Knowledgeable | Hugo - Thinker | Lachlan - Risk Taker |
Daylan - Communicator | Adelaide - Principled | Charlotte - Thinker |
Lachlan - Open Minded Risk Taker | Finn - Caring Communicator |

Tomorrow, Friday 17th May is National ‘Walk Safely to School’ day which we will again be supporting.
(If you can’t walk the whole way, simply park at a further location and walk from there.) Teachers will be out at different locations around the school perimeter handing out stickers for those children walking to school. We hope as many of you as possible will join in this fun, healthy activity.
Happy walking!
The Way 2 Go website has been updated and now features a ‘families’ tab which directs you towards an information page promoting active, safe and green travel methods for students travelling to school.
Please visit the following link:
We are also looking for a parent/s who might be willing to work with Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) to help organise and support a safe travel walking program for active travel to school.
Anyone who might be interested in this initiative, please email:
Thyrza Veitch or
Dan Johnson
Thank you!
In week 1 of this term our SAPSASA Athletics team had an enjoyable day out at SA Athletics Stadium, despite the rain. We took 42 of our most talented athletes who had a great time, competed well and did themselves and their school proud.
Coro’s ribbon winners this year were:
Erin B – 3rd in 800m
Jaymie C – 3rd in Shot put
Zac S – 2nd in Shot put, 2nd in Discus
Josh White – 3rd in 100m, 3rd in 200m, 3rd in Long Jump
Clare R – 2nd in Discus
Remi G – 3rd in 100m
Riki T – 2nd in Discus
Alexander V – 4th in Discus
Amy E – 1st in Shot put
Charlotte R – 2nd in Discus
Hudson R – 2nd in Discus
Jake Z – 4th in Discus
Tara A – 3rd in Discus
Rhiannon C – 4th in 200m
Indi P – 1st in Shot put, 3rd in Long jump
Special congratulations to the following students who have received invitations to compete for Southern Heights District at the State Day on Tuesday 21st May at SA Athletics Stadium:
Amy E – Shot put
Indi P – Shot put
Zac S – Shot put
Remi G – 100m relay
Josh W – 100m relay
A big “thank you” to Mr Tucker, Mr Humphries and Mrs Mueller who helped out with official duties at the long jump.
Mr De Lyster
PE Teacher
Congratulations to the following girls who successfully made the Southern Heights netball team:
Eden, Daniella, Bianca, Caitlin, Alana, Chloe, Alyssa.
During week 1, both year 3 classes visited the Aldinga Camp Site overnight for our year 3 camp to enhance our current Units of Inquiry around ‘teams' and 'play’. The Central ideas for these units are: "People develop systems, participate, co-operate and practice to achieve success" and "Over time children explore and learn through play".
While we were there, we explored concepts surrounding team work, problem solving and building resilience. The theme of the camp was delivered in an excellent manner by camp facilitators and the program. Both classes actively engaged in all learning activities and represented the school especially well.
Once we arrived, we settled into our cabins then we participated in problem solving activities, before breaking for lunch and continuing with team based games. In the afternoon, we walked through the Aldinga Conservation Reserve to visit the beach where we worked in teams to build sand sculptures and then developed creative stories to describe our designs. In the evening, we enjoyed building upon our social success by participating in drama and role play activities. The next day, we rose to a wonderful breakfast and worked again in teams to participate in brain game activities and a treasure hunt before packing up and returning to school.
Dan Johnson & Katie Magarey
Yr3 teachers
On Friday, 10th May the Reception students welcomed their mothers and special guests to the annual Mother’s Day breakfast. Students sang the traditional song, ‘Four Hugs a Day’ and gave their parents a handmade card and special gift. Thank you to our special guests for coming along on a very cold and wet morning, we hope you all enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day.
The Reception Team

Welcome to Kaya Selby, our new JP dance instructor.
All reception to Year 2 students have begun their dance lessons this term. As you can see they are creatively stretching their brains and bodies in a 30 minute lesson each Wednesday. They are inquiring into a variety of dance movements and styles.
Each class will showcase their learning to the school and local kindergartens in the last week of Term 3. Please check the school calendar soon for the confirmed date and time of the two performances.
Carol Cornish
Deputy Principal
During the April vacation care program we ran The World's Greatest Shave event. Children had the opportunity to either have their heads shaved or hair sprayed with colour hairspray. We had two brave boys who did the shave and most of the other children had their hair coloured. It was a great afternoon full of fun and laughter.
Over the next week, there are two significant events happening that allow us to stop and acknowledge the generous contribution of others to our community, and to say a heartfelt thank you to them for doing so.

National Volunteer Week (NVW) is the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers. From 20–26 May 2019, thousands of events will be held across the country to say thank you to the 6 million Australians who volunteer their time. The week-long celebration will include breakfasts, morning/afternoon teas, and luncheons, as well as open days, award ceremonies, picnics, forums and training sessions.
Saturday 25th May is the National Day of Thanksgiving. Every year, the National Day of Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to reflect on the efforts of those who work quietly and humbly every day to enrich our lives. This year the day has a special on thanking Local Government Officials, and Chaplains in our community, as well as thinking about the people in your life who support you personally – how can you thank them?
It’s important for our children to see us stopping and thanking others and being grateful for all we have. There is a growing body of research that sug
gests regular gratitude practice can improve your mental wellbeing. Gratitude encourages you to be happier, feel more zest for life, stress less, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, forge stronger relationships, and may even boost your immune system.
It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy”.
Jenni Forder
Pastoral Care Worker
Please be aware that there have been confirmed cases of Influenza A within our school community.
Symptoms include:
- Rapid onset fever
- Muscle aches
- Fatigue
- Sneezing
- Running nose
- Sore throat
- A cough
The following link will provide additional information from SA Health on Influenza, its symptoms and management.
Jenny Tucker
SSO – First Aid
On Friday the 17th of April Coromandel Valley Primary school raised around $480 towards our world vision child Mariam Patrick Mlugu.
We raised this money by students bringing in gold coin donations. After, the student leaders collected the money and counted how much there was. This is the most our school has raised from the gold coin donations.
Thank you to all the parents and children in the community for contributing to this.
SRC - Global Initiatives leader
Due to increased costs on gluten free items increase the price on the below items -
Chicken nuggets (5) w/ salad or chips (g,gf) $5.00
Chicken tenders (2) w/ salad or chips (g,gf) $5.00
- Free 'Come n Try' event
Saturday, May 11. O Halloran Hill. Saturday from 1.30-3pm. Bring a friend, it's free for everyone!
- World Orienteering Day.
Wednesday, May 15. Belair Golf Course. Run in the daytime at 4pm, or in the dark at 6pm. Pre-enter by Monday for discount. Free pizzas and refreshments!
- School Championships
Monday, May 27. Belair National Park. Teachers and parents please note: Entries close May 13.
- Regular events in May
Beaumont Sunday, May 19.
Mount Crawford Training Wednesday, May 22.
Campbelltown Sunday, May 26.
After-School Cluster Training Thursdays and Fridays at various locations. Adults and parents welcome. All Cluster events are listed at:
All above events are on website:
Beginners are welcome at all events, and there will be people to help you get started.
For further information regarding our schools support programme please visit the schools section of our website: or contact me via the following email address: